首页> 外文期刊>The American mineralogist >A new biogenic, struvite-related phosphate, the ammonium-analog of hazenite, (NH_4)NaMg_2(PO_4)_2·14H_2O

A new biogenic, struvite-related phosphate, the ammonium-analog of hazenite, (NH_4)NaMg_2(PO_4)_2·14H_2O


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A new biogenic, struvite-related phosphate, the ammonium analog of hazenite (AAH), ideally (NH_4)NaMg_2(PO_4)_2·14H_2O, has been found in cultures containing the bacterial strain Virgibacillus sp.NOT1 (GenBank Accession Number: JX417495.1) isolated from an XVII Century document made of parchment. The chemical composition of AAH, determined from the combination of electron microprobe and X?ray structural analyses, is [(NH_4)_(0.78)K_(0.22)]NaMg_2(PO_4)_2·14H_2O. Single-crystal X?ray diffraction shows that AAH is orthorhombic with space group Pmnb and unit-cell parameters a = 6.9661(6), b = 25.236(3), c = 11.292(1) ?, and V = 1985.0(3) ?~3. Compared with hazenite, the substitution of NH_4~+ for K~+ results in a noticeable increase of the average A-O (A = NH_4~++K~+) bond length and the unit-cell volume for AAH, as also observed for struvite vs. struvite-K. Both infrared and Raman spectra of AAH resemble those of hazenite, as well as struvite. Our study reveals that AAH forms only in cultures with Na-bearing solutions and pH below 10.0. No AAH or hazenite was found in experiments with the K-bearing solutions, suggesting the necessity of a Na-bearing solution for AAH formation.
机译:已在含有细菌菌株Virgibacillus sp.NOT1(GenBank登录号:JX417495。 1)与十七世纪羊皮纸制成的文件隔离。由电子探针和X射线结构分析确定的AAH的化学成分为[(NH_4)_((0.78)K_(0.22)] NaMg_2(PO_4)_2·14H_2O。 X射线单晶衍射表明AAH是正交晶体,空间群为Pmnb,晶胞参数为a = 6.9661(6),b = 25.236(3),c = 11.292(1)?和V = 1985.0(3) ?〜3。与蛇纹石相比,用NH_4〜+替代K〜+导致AAH的平均AO键长度和AAH的晶胞体积显着增加,如鸟粪石与鸟粪石K. AAH的红外光谱和拉曼光谱都类似于钙锌矿和鸟粪石。我们的研究表明,AAH仅在含钠溶液和pH值低于10.0的培养物中形成。在含钾溶液的实验中未发现AAH或锌铁矿,表明形成AAH的含钠溶液的必要性。



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