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Optical absorption study of natural garnets of almandine-skiagite composition showing intervalence Fe2++Fe3+-> Fe3++Fe2+ charge-transfer transition

机译:天然铝石榴石-石榴石组合物的石榴石的光吸收研究表明Fe2 ++ Fe3 +-> Fe3 ++ Fe2 +电荷转移跃迁的间隔

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A broad (FWHM approximate to 7300 cm(-1)) intense band at similar to 21 700 cm(-1) in the optical absorption spectra of natural Fe2+, Fe3+-rich garnets is attributed to electronic intervalence charge-transfer transitions (IVCT), Fe-VIII(2+) + Fe-VI(3+) -> Fe-VIII (3+) + Fe-VI(2+). In Fe3+, Fe2+-bearing garnets of predominantly almandine compositions, this band causes yellowish tinges in addition to the pink color, typical of pure Fe3+-free almandines. In garnets from deeper-seated mafic granulites from kimberlite pipes in Siberia with high skiagite (Fe-3(2+),Fe-2(3+) Si3O12) contents, IVCT causes intense brownish-yellow colors. The relatively high energy of the band (similar to 21 700 cm-1) compared to diverse minerals showing IVCT between Fe2+ and Fe3+ in adjacent octahedral sites, is attributed to the charge-transfer transition taking place between Fe2+ and Fe3+ in non-equivalent, dodecahedral and octahedral sites of the garnet structure. Band intensity is directly correlated with the product of Fe2+ and Fe3+ as measured by Mossbauer spectroscopy. The energy of the IVCT band is nearly independent of temperature, whereas its intensity decreases slightly with increasing temperature. Pressure induces a weak shift of the band to lower energies, Av/AP approximate to -75 cm(-1)/GPa, but intensity of the bands remains practically unchanged. Such temperature and pressure dependencies are quite different from those in other minerals showing IVCT between Fe2+ and Fe3+ in equivalent octahedral positions of structure.
机译:富含Fe3 +的天然石榴石的光吸收光谱中的宽光谱带(FWHM约为7300 cm(-1)),与21700 cm(-1)相似,这归因于电子间隔电荷转移(IVCT) ,Fe-VIII(2+)+ Fe-VI(3+)-> Fe-VIII(3+)+ Fe-VI(2+)。在主要含金刚烷成分的含Fe3 +的石榴石中,该条带除了粉红色外还引起淡黄色调,这是纯不含Fe3 +的金刚烷素的典型特征。在西伯利亚金伯利岩管中较深的镁铁质花岗石中,石榴石含量较高(Fe-3(2 +),Fe-2(3+)Si3O12),IVCT会导致强烈的棕黄色。与在相邻八面体位点的Fe2 +和Fe3 +之间进行IVCT的各种矿物相比,该谱带的能量较高(大约为21700 cm-1),这归因于在Fe2 +和Fe3 +之间发生了不等价的电荷转移跃迁,石榴石结构的十二面体和八面体部位。谱带强度与通过Mossbauer光谱法测得的Fe2 +和Fe3 +的乘积直接相关。 IVCT频带的能量几乎与温度无关,而其强度随温度的升高而略有下降。压力引起该频带向较低能量的弱转移,Av / AP大约为-75 cm(-1)/ GPa,但该频带的强度实际上保持不变。这样的温度和压力依赖性与其他矿物中的Fe2 +和Fe3 +在等效的八面体位置显示IVCT的情况完全不同。



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