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Functional Status after Injury: A Longitudinal Study of Geriatric Trauma


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We evaluated self-rated functional status measured longitudinally in the year after injury in a geriatric trauma population. The longitudinal (L) group included 37 of 60 eligible trauma patients aged 65 years or older admitted December 2006 to November 2007 for greater than 24 hours who completed a Short Functional Status questionnaire (SFS) at 3, 6, and 12 months after injury. The SFS yields scores of 0 to 5 (5 = independent in all five activities of daily living [ADLs]) and has been validated among community-dwelling elders. The control (C) group included 63 trauma patients aged 65 years or older admitted December 2007 to July 2009 for greater than 24 hours who reported their preinjury functional status using the SFS at hospital admission. We used characteristics and scores of the C group to impute preinjury ADL scores for the L group. The groups were similar in baseline characteristics (age, ethnicity, Injury Severity Score, Charlson Comor-bidity Index, and living arrangement; P > 0.05). For the C group, the preinjury ADL score was 4.6 (SD = 0.9). For the L group, ADL scores declined at all intervals reaching statistical significance at 12 months. We conclude that in the year after traumatic injury, geriatric patients lost the equivalent of approximately one ADL, increasing their risk of further functional decline, loss of independence, and death.
机译:我们评估了老年创伤人群受伤后一年中纵向测量的自我评估的功能状态。纵向组(L)包括2006年12月至2007年11月收治的超过60小时的60名年龄在65岁以上的合格创伤患者中的37名,他们在受伤后3、6和12个月内完成了简短功能状态问卷(SFS)。 SFS的得分为0到5(5 =在日常生活的所有五项活动中都是独立的[ADL]),并且在社区居住的老年人中得到了验证。对照组(C)包括63名65岁以上的创伤患者,他们于2007年12月至2009年7月住院超过24小时,他们在入院时通过SFS报告了他们的损伤前功能状态。我们使用C组的特征和评分来估算L组的损伤前ADL评分。这些组的基线特征相似(年龄,种族,损伤严重程度评分,查尔森合并症指数和生活安排; P> 0.05)。对于C组,损伤前ADL评分为4.6(SD = 0.9)。对于L组,ADL分数在所有时间间隔均下降,在12个月时达到统计学显着性。我们得出的结论是,在遭受外伤的一年中,老年患者损失了大约一个ADL的当量,增加了他们进一步功能衰退,丧失独立性和死亡的风险。



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