首页> 外文期刊>The American journal of geriatric psychiatry: official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry >'Engage' Therapy: Behavioral Activation and Improvement of Late-Life Major Depression

'Engage' Therapy: Behavioral Activation and Improvement of Late-Life Major Depression


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Objective: Engage is a treatment for late-life depression developed to match the skills of community clinicians based on the theory that dysfunction in the Research Domain Criteria Project positive valence systems is a critical mechanism of late-life depression. Accordingly, it uses "reward exposure" (engagement in meaningful, rewarding activities) as its principal intervention. This study tests the hypothesis that change in behavioral activation, an index of positive valence systems function, during successive treatment periods with Engage and during follow-up predicts depression at the end of each period. Methods: Forty-eight nondemented, older adults with unipolar major depression were treated openly with 9 weekly sessions of Engage and assessed 36 weeks after entry. Depression severity was assessed with the 24-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D) and behavioral activation with the Behavioral Activation for Depression Scale (BADS) at baseline, 6 weeks (mid-treatment), 9 weeks (end of treatment), and 36 weeks. Results: A mixed-effects model examined whether change in BADS in successive periods occurring during Engage treatment and during follow-up predicts depression at the end of each period. Both BADS change (F-1,F-52 = 18.63, p < 0.0001) and time (F-2,F-52 = 7.68, p = 0.0012) predicted HAM-D scores at the end of each observation period. Every point of increase in BADS change reduced the HAM-D by 0.105 points. HAM-D at each point did not predict subsequent change in BADS (F1,52 = 2.17, p = 0.146). Conclusion: During Engage treatment and follow-up, change in behavioral activation is followed by improvement of depressive symptoms and signs.
机译:目的:“参与”是针对晚期抑郁症的一种治疗方法,旨在根据“研究领域标准项目正价系统功能障碍是晚期抑郁症的关键机制”这一理论发展起来,以适应社区临床医生的技能。因此,它使用“奖励暴露”(从事有意义的,有益的活动)作为主要干预措施。这项研究检验了以下假设,即在Engage的连续治疗期间,行为激活的变化(正价系统功能的指标),并且在随访期间预测了每个周期结束时的抑郁。方法:对48名非痴呆,单极性严重抑郁的成年人进行每周9次的Engage公开治疗,并在进入后36周进行评估。在基线,治疗6周(治疗中),治疗9周(治疗结束)时,使用24项汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAM-D)评估抑郁严重程度,并使用抑郁情绪行为量表(BADS)评估行为激活,和36周。结果:混合效应模型检查了订婚治疗期间和随访期间连续发生的BADS变化是否预示了每个时期结束时的抑郁症。在每个观察期结束时,BADS变化(F-1,F-52 = 18.63,p <0.0001)和时间(F-2,F-52 = 7.68,p = 0.0012)都可以预测HAM-D得分。 BADS变化每增加一点,HAM-D就会降低0.105点。 HAM-D在每个点上都不能预测BADS的后续变化(F1,52 = 2.17,p = 0.146)。结论:在参与治疗和随访期间,行为激活发生变化,抑郁症状和体征得到改善。


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