首页> 外文期刊>The American Journal of Human Genetics >SMOC1 is essential for ocular and limb development in humans and mice.

SMOC1 is essential for ocular and limb development in humans and mice.


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Microphthalmia with limb anomalies (MLA) is a rare autosomal-recessive disorder, presenting with anophthalmia or microphthalmia and hand and/or foot malformation. We mapped the MLA locus to 14q24 and successfully identified three homozygous (one nonsense and two splice site) mutations in the SPARC (secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine)-related modular calcium binding 1 (SMOC1) in three families. Smoc1 is expressed in the developing optic stalk, ventral optic cup, and limbs of mouse embryos. Smoc1 null mice recapitulated MLA phenotypes, including aplasia or hypoplasia of optic nerves, hypoplastic fibula and bowed tibia, and syndactyly in limbs. A thinned and irregular ganglion cell layer and atrophy of the anteroventral part of the retina were also observed. Soft tissue syndactyly, resulting from inhibited apoptosis, was related to disturbed expression of genes involved in BMP signaling in the interdigital mesenchyme. Our findings indicate that SMOC1/Smoc1 is essential for ocular and limb development in both humans and mice.
机译:患有肢体异常的小眼症(MLA)是一种罕见的常染色体隐性遗传疾病,表现为无眼症或小眼症以及手和/或足畸形。我们将MLA基因座定位到14q24,并成功鉴定了三个家族中与SPARC(分泌蛋白呈酸性且富含半胱氨酸)相关的模块化钙结合1(SMOC1)中的三个纯合(一个无意义和两个剪接位点)突变。 Smoc1在发育中的视杆,腹侧视杯和小鼠胚胎的四肢中表达。 Smoc1无效的小鼠概括了MLA表型,包括视神经发育不全或发育不全,腓骨发育不良和弓形胫骨,以及四肢上的综合征。还观察到了神经节细胞层变薄和不规则以及视网膜前腹部分的萎缩。因抑制细胞凋亡而导致的软组织合成异常与叉指间充质中参与BMP信号传导的基因表达紊乱有关。我们的发现表明,SMOC1 / Smoc1对于人类和小鼠的眼部和四肢发育至关重要。


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