首页> 外文期刊>The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene >Quantitative determination of Plasmodium vivax gametocytes by real-time quantitative nucleic acid sequence-based amplification in clinical samples.

Quantitative determination of Plasmodium vivax gametocytes by real-time quantitative nucleic acid sequence-based amplification in clinical samples.


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Microscopic detection of Plasmodium vivax gametocytes, the sexual life stage of this malaria parasite, is insensitive because P. vivax parasitaemia is low. To detect and quantify gametocytes a more sensitive, quantitative real-time Pvs25-QT-NASBA based on Pvs25 mRNA was developed and tested in two clinical sample sets from three different continents. Pvs25-QT-NASBA is highly reproducible with low inter-assay variation and reaches sensitivity approximately 800 times higher than conventional microscopic gametocyte detection. Specificity was tested in 104 samples from P. vivax-, P. falciparum-, P. malariae-, and P. ovale-infected patients. All non-vivax samples were negative in the Pvs25-QT-NASBA; out of 74 PvS18-QT-NASBA positive samples 69% were positive in the Pvs25-QT-NASBA. In a second set of 136 P. vivax microscopically confirmed samples, gametocyte prevalence was 8%, whereas in contrast 66% were positive by Pvs25-QT-NASBA. The data suggest that the human P. vivax gametocyte reservoir is much larger when assessed by Pvs25-QT-NASBA than by microscopy.
机译:由于间日疟原虫寄生虫血症较低,因此显微镜检测间日疟原虫配子体细胞(该疟疾寄生虫的性生活阶段)不敏感。为了检测和定量配子细胞,开发了一种基于Pvs25 mRNA的更加灵敏,定量的实时Pvs25-QT-NASBA,并在来自三大洲的两个临床样本集中进行了测试。 Pvs25-QT-NASBA具有高度可重复性,且测定间差异小,灵敏度比常规显微配子细胞检测高约800倍。在来自间日疟原虫,恶性疟原虫,疟疾疟原虫和卵圆形疟原虫感染患者的104个样品中测试了特异性。在Pvs25-QT-NASBA中,所有非间日病毒样品均为阴性;在74个PvS18-QT-NASBA阳性样本中,有69%在Pvs25-QT-NASBA中呈阳性。在第二组136个间日疟原虫显微镜确认的样本中,配子体患病率为8%,而Pvs25-QT-NASBA则为66%。数据表明,用Pvs25-QT-NASBA评估的人间日疟原虫配子细胞储库比显微镜下大得多。



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