首页> 外文期刊>The American journal of orthopedics >Effects of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein 2 on surgical infections in a rabbit posterolateral lumbar fusion model.

Effects of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein 2 on surgical infections in a rabbit posterolateral lumbar fusion model.


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Recombinant human bone morphogenetic proteins (rhBMPs) are often used during spine surgery, but their effects on postoperative infections have not been well elucidated. Long-bone studies suggest that BMPs may limit local infection and facilitate bone formation. Until now, rhBMP-2 had not been evaluated in the setting of infected spinal arthrodesis. In the study reported here, we evaluated the safety and efficacy of rhBMP-2 and autograft in inducing fusion in the setting of surgically acquired infection. Sixty rabbits underwent fusion with autograft or rhBMP-2 with coadministration of Staphylococcus aureus or sterile saline. In the noninoculated groups, 4/15 autograft and 13/13 rhBMP-2 rabbits fused (P<.001). In the inoculated groups, 0/14 autograft and 3/12 rhBMP-2 rabbits fused (P = .085). There were 4/14 early deaths caused by infection in the autograft group and 0/12 in the rhBMP-2 group (P = .1). Although the difference in fusion rates and early deaths from infection for rhBMP-2 and autograft did not reach our predetermined alpha error threshold, the data were trending toward significance. Our results demonstrated no increase in morbidity or mortality associated with use of rhBMP-2 in the setting of local infection. Although BMP use with infections remains controversial, these results indicate that rhBMP- 2 could be used in a contaminated environment.
机译:重组人骨形态发生蛋白(rhBMPs)通常在脊柱手术中使用,但尚未充分阐明其对术后感染的影响。长期骨骼研究表明BMPs可能会限制局部感染并促进骨骼形成。到目前为止,还没有在感染的脊柱关节固定术中评估rhBMP-2。在本文报道的研究中,我们评估了rhBMP-2和自体移植在手术获得性感染中诱导融合的安全性和有效性。 60只兔子与自体移植或rhBMP-2融合,并同时服用金黄色葡萄球菌或无菌盐水。在未接种的组中,融合了4/15个自体移植物和13/13个rhBMP-2兔(P <0.001)。在接种组中,融合了0/14个自体移植和3/12个rhBMP-2兔(P = .085)。自体移植组感染引起的早期死亡为4/14,rhBMP-2组为0/12(P = .1)。尽管rhBMP-2和自体移植的融合率和感染早期死亡的差异未达到我们预定的alpha误差阈值,但数据趋向于有意义。我们的结果表明,在局部感染的情况下,与使用rhBMP-2相关的发病率或死亡率没有增加。尽管在感染中使用BMP仍存在争议,但这些结果表明rhBMP-2可以在受污染的环境中使用。



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