首页> 外文期刊>The American journal of orthopedics >The role of osteotomy in advanced osteonecrosis of the femoral head in sickle-cell disease: a case report.

The role of osteotomy in advanced osteonecrosis of the femoral head in sickle-cell disease: a case report.


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For young people, osteonecrosis of the femoral head (OFH) is one of the most debilitating complications of sickle-cell hemoglobinopathies. Management of advanced (Ficat and Arlet stage III or IV) OFH remains a challenging clinical problem: There is no ideal treatment, and management by total hip arthroplasty has a high failure rate. Consequently, the search continues for procedures that preserve the femoral head--such as vascularized and nonvascularized bone grafting and osteotomy. Various osteotomies have been used to try to salvage hips with stage II or III OFH. The Sugioka transtrochanteric rotational osteotomy is a technically demanding procedure with a variable success rate. Failure rates have also been variable for varus and valgus osteotomies after short-term follow-up. In this report, we present the case of a 13-year-old girl with stage III OFH caused by sickle-cell disease that had been successfully treated with a valgus-flexion osteotomy of the proximal femur, with 42-month postoperative follow-up. We suggest that stage III OFH in a young patient with sickle-cell disease can be successfully treated with corrective proximal femoral osteotomy.
机译:对于年轻人而言,股骨头坏死(OFH)是镰状细胞血红蛋白病最令人衰弱的并发症之一。晚期(Ficat和Arlet III或IV期)的治疗仍是一个具有挑战性的临床问题:没有理想的治疗方法,而全髋关节置换术的治疗失败率很高。因此,继续寻找保护股骨头的手术-例如血管化和非血管化的骨移植和截骨术。各种截骨术已被用来挽救II或III期OFH的臀部。 Sugioka转子粗隆旋转截骨术是一项技术要求很高的手术,成功率可变。短期随访后内翻和外翻截骨术的失败率也有所不同。在本报告中,我们介绍了一名由镰状细胞病引起的III岁OFH的13岁女孩的病例,该患者已通过股骨近端外翻屈曲截骨术成功治疗,术后42个月进行了随访。我们建议可以通过矫正股骨近端截骨术成功治疗年轻的镰状细胞病患者的III期OFH。



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