首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Journal of Zoology >An examination of the manipulation hypothesis to explain prevalence of Parelaphostrongylus tenuis in gastropod intermediate host populations.

An examination of the manipulation hypothesis to explain prevalence of Parelaphostrongylus tenuis in gastropod intermediate host populations.


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The prevalence of Parelaphostrongylus tenuis, a nematode parasite of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in eastern North America in deer populations is typically high compared with its prevalence in its gastropod intermediate hosts. It is unclear how high levels of prevalence are maintained, given that the transmission of this parasite to deer is considered to occur by the accidental ingestion of infected gastropods. This study investigated whether this pattern might be caused by behavioural manipulation of the snails by the parasites to increase transmission. The vertical climbing behaviour of infected and uninfected individuals of a known intermediate host species, Mesodon sayanus, was compared. Snails climbed higher at dawn than duringthe rest of the day and adults climbed higher than juveniles, but no differences were found between infected and uninfected snails. These results do not explain the observed levels of prevalence, but they improve understanding of the transmission of P. tenuis, particularly with regard to the relative importance of different gastropod intermediate hosts. Competing hypotheses that might account for the apparent discrepancy in levels of prevalence are briefly reviewed.
机译:与它在腹足纲中间宿主中的流行相比,北美东部东部的白尾鹿线虫寄生白尾鹿(Odocoileus virginianus)的线虫寄生虫的流行率通常很高。尚不知道将这种寄生虫传播到鹿的原因是偶然摄入被感染的腹足动物,因此仍保持高水平的流行率。这项研究调查了这种模式是否可能是由于寄生虫对蜗牛进行的行为操纵而增加了传播。比较了已知中间宿主物种Mesodon sayanus的感染和未感染个体的垂直爬升行为。蜗牛在黎明时比白天的其余部分爬得更高,而成年人则比少年爬得更高,但是感染和未感染的蜗牛之间没有发现差异。这些结果不能解释所观察到的患病率,但是它们可以更好地理解小肠对虾的传播,特别是关于不同腹足纲中间宿主的相对重要性。简要回顾了可能解释患病率明显差异的竞争性假设。



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