首页> 外文期刊>Tectonophysics: International Journal of Geotectonics and the Geology and Physics of the Interior of the Earth >Stochastic velocity inversion of seismic reflection/refraction traveltime data for rift structure of the southwest Barents Sea

Stochastic velocity inversion of seismic reflection/refraction traveltime data for rift structure of the southwest Barents Sea


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We present results from an active-source, onshore-offshore seismic reflection/refraction transect acquired as part of the PETROBAR project (Petroleum-related studies of the Barents Sea region). The 700. km-long profile is oriented NW-SE, coincident with previously published multichannel seismic reflection profiles. We utilize layer-based raytracing in a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) inversion to determine a probabilistic velocity model constraining the sedimentary rocks, crystalline crust, and uppermost mantle in a complex tectonic regime. The profile images a wide range of crustal types and ages, from Proterozoic craton to Paleozoic to early Cenozoic rift basins; and volcanics related to Eocene continental breakup with Greenland. Our analyses indicate a complex architecture of the crystalline crust along the profile, with crystalline crustal thicknesses ranging from 43. km beneath the Varanger Peninsula to 12. km beneath the Bj?rn?ya Basin. Assuming an original, post-Caledonide crustal thickness of 35. km in the offshore area, we calculate the cumulative thinning (β) factors along the entire profile. The average β factor along the profile is 1.7±0.1, suggesting 211-243. km of extension, consistent with the amount of overlap derived from published plate reconstructions. Local β factors approach 3, where Bj?rn?ya Basin reaches a depth of more than 13. km. Volcanics, carbonates, salt, diagenesis and metamorphism make deep sedimentary basin fill difficult to distinguish from original, pre-rift crystalline crust, and thus actual stretching may in places exceed our estimates.
机译:我们介绍了作为PETROBAR项目(巴伦支海地区的石油相关研究)的一部分而获得的,主动源,近岸-近海地震反射/折射样条的结果。 700公里长的剖面朝向NW-SE,与先前发布的多通道地震反射剖面一致。我们在马尔可夫链蒙特卡洛(MCMC)反演中利用基于层的射线追踪来确定概率速度模型,该模型限制了复杂构造机制中的沉积岩,晶体壳和最上层地幔。剖面描述了从地壳克拉通到古生代到新生代裂谷盆地的各种地壳类型和年龄。和与格陵兰始新世大陆破裂有关的火山。我们的分析表明,沿剖面的地壳晶体结构复杂,地壳厚度范围从Varanger半岛以下43. km到Bj?rn?ya盆地以下12. km。假设在离岸地区卡莱多尼德地区原始地壳厚度为35. km,我们将计算整个剖面上的累积变薄(β)因子。沿剖面的平均β因子为1.7±0.1,表明为211-243。 km的延伸,与从已发表的板块重建中得出的重叠量一致。局部β因子接近3,比约尼亚盆地达到13公里以上的深度。火山,碳酸盐,盐,成岩作用和变质作用使得深层沉积盆地的填充物难以与原始的,裂谷前的结晶地壳区分开,因此实际拉伸可能会超出我们的估计。



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