首页> 外文期刊>Tectonophysics: International Journal of Geotectonics and the Geology and Physics of the Interior of the Earth >Thermal history of Tertiary basins in Slovenia (Alpine-Dinaride-Pannonian junction)

Thermal history of Tertiary basins in Slovenia (Alpine-Dinaride-Pannonian junction)


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The transition zone between the Alps, the Dinarides, and the Pannonian Basin was affected by syn-collisional magmatism in Oligocene time and post-collisional lateral escape followed by extreme extension in early and middle Miocene times. Numeric heat flow models for sixteen sites and 650 vitrinite reflectance data from Paleogene and Neogene sediments were used to evaluate temporal and lateral heat flow variations related to these events. Oligocene. Oligocene (Smrekovec) volcanism is the main heat source for Paleogene sediments south of the Periadriatic Lineament. Vitrinite reflectance patterns suggest dextral displacement along the Donat Fault of the order of 50 km. Coalification of Paleogene coal-bearing sequences south of the Pohorje is a result of the emplacement of the Oligocene Pohorje tonalite. Early/middle Miocene. Extremely elevated early/middle Miocene heat flow (> 200 mW/m(2)) occurred in the Styrian Basin, the Pohorje area, the Maribor-Radgona area, and along the Boc Anticline. It is partly a consequence of magmatic activity. However, no igneous rocks are known from the Maribor-Radgona area. A large shallow early Miocene pluton could explain the observed Miocene heat flow. Rapid uplift of hot basement rocks in the Pohorje/Kozjak region may have increased surface heat flow. Neither volcanic rocks nor metamorphic core complexes are known from the Boc area. The Ormoz-Selnica Anticline was probably influenced by a middle Miocene heating event (similar to 150 mW/m(2)). Coeval volcanism south of the anticline represents a potential heat source. Post-middle Miocene. The WSW-ENE-trending Ljutomer and Radgona Depressions are characterized by moderate Neogene heat flow (60-75 mW/m(2)), whereas late Miocene to present-day heat flow in the Ormoz-Selnica Anticline is 80-90 mW/m(2). A recent heat flow anomaly occurs in the Somat-Benedikt area. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. [References: 66]
机译:渐新世时代的同碰撞岩浆作用和碰撞后的横向逃逸,继而在中新世早期和中期极度扩展,影响了阿尔卑斯山脉,迪那里底群岛和潘诺尼盆地之间的过渡带。使用十六个地点的数值热流模型和来自古近纪和新近纪沉积物的650个镜质体反射率数据来评估与这些事件相关的时间和横向热流变化。渐新世。渐新世(Smrekovec)火山是古生界南部南部古近纪沉积的主要热源。玻璃辉石的反射模式表明沿多纳特断层的右旋位移约为50 km。 Pohorje以南的古近纪含煤层序的煤层化是渐新世Pohorje榴石的安置的结果。中新世早期/中期。施蒂里亚盆地,Pohorje地区,Maribor-Radgona地区以及沿Boc背斜的中新世早期/中期热流(> 200 mW / m(2))极高。这部分是岩浆活动的结果。但是,从Maribor-Radgona地区尚无火成岩。中新世早期的大型浅水体解释了中新世的热流。 Pohorje / Kozjak地区热基底岩石的快速隆升可能增加了地表热流。 Boc地区既没有火山岩也没有变质岩心复合体。 Ormoz-Selnica背斜可能受中新世中期加热事件(类似于150 mW / m(2))的影响。背斜以南的中世纪火山活动是潜在的热源。后中新世。 WSW-ENE趋势的Ljutomer和Radgona凹陷的特征在于中等的新近纪热流(60-75 mW / m(2)),而中新世晚期至今天的Ormoz-Selnica背斜热流为80-90 mW / m(2)。最近的热流异常发生在Somat-Benedikt地区。 (C)2001 Elsevier Science B.V.保留所有权利。 [参考:66]



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