首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Journal of Zoology >Maternal attendance patterns of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) from stable and declining populations in Alaska

Maternal attendance patterns of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) from stable and declining populations in Alaska

机译:来自稳定和下降的阿拉斯加种群的斯特勒海狮(Eumetopias jubatus)的产妇出勤模式

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Maternal attendance patterns of Alaskan Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) were compared during the summer breeding seasons in 1994 and 1995 at Sugarloaf Island (a declining population) and Lowrie Island (a stable population). Our goal was to determine whether there were differences in maternal attendance between the two populations that were consistent with the hypothesis that lactating Steller sea lions in the area of decline were food-limited during summer. Our a priori expectations were based on well-documented behavioural responses of otariids to reduced prey availability. We found that foraging trips were significantly shorter in the area of population decline, counter to initial predictions. The mean length of foraging trips in the declining area was 19.5 h compared with 24.9 h in the stable area. In contrast, the mean perinatal period (time between parturition and first feeding trip) was significantly longer in the area of decline (9.9 versus 7.9 days), again countering initial predictions. The mean length of shore visits for the declining population was also significantly longer (27.0 h compared with 22.6 h where the population was stable). For both populations, the mean time that mothers foraged increased as pups grew older, whereas the time that they spent on shore with their pups became shorter. Behavioural observations of maternal attendance patterns are inconsistent with the hypothesis that lactating Steller sea lions from the declining population had difficulty obtaining prey during summer.
机译:在1994年和1995年的夏季繁殖季节,对舒格洛夫岛(种群减少)和洛里岛(种群稳定)的阿拉斯加斯特勒海狮(Eumetopias jubatus)的母性出勤方式进行了比较。我们的目标是确定两个群体之间的产妇出勤率是否存在差异,这一假说与夏季下降的哺乳期斯特勒海狮在食物方面的限制这一假设是一致的。我们的先验期望是基于充分记录的otariids对减少猎物的行为的反应。我们发现,在人口下降的地区,觅食旅行明显缩短,这与最初的预测相反。下降区域的觅食行程平均长度为19.5小时,而稳定区域为24.9小时。相比之下,平均围产期(从分娩到第一次进食之间的时间)在下降区域明显更长(分别为9.9天和7.9天),这再次与最初的预测相悖。人口下降的海岸探访平均时间也明显更长(27.0小时,而人口稳定的22.6小时)。对于这两个人群,随着幼崽年龄的增长,母亲觅食的平均时间增加,而与幼崽一起在岸上度过的时间变短。孕产妇出勤方式的行为观察与以下假设相矛盾:从下降的人口中哺乳的斯特勒海狮很难在夏季获得猎物。



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