首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Journal of Zoology >Social behavior and sexual dimorphism in the Bonaire whiptail, Cnemidophorus murinus (Squamata : Teiidae): the role of sexual selection

Social behavior and sexual dimorphism in the Bonaire whiptail, Cnemidophorus murinus (Squamata : Teiidae): the role of sexual selection

机译:博内尔岛ip鱼Cnemidophorus murinus(Squamata:Teiidae)中的社会行为和性二态性:性选择的作用

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We measured body dimensions and coloration and quantified the behavior of females and males of two color phases in the Bonaire whiptail, Cnemidophorus murinus, to begin addressing the ultimate causation for sexual dimorphism in this species. Examination of size-adjusted body dimensions revealed that males have wider, longer, and deeper heads as well as somewhat longer forelegs and hind legs. Males were characterized by two distinct coloration patterns. Blue males displayed purple-blue dewlaps, blue-gray background coloration on the head and anterior torso, numerous light blue spots on the flanks, brown-orange coloration on the posterior torso, and a turquoise section on the proximal portion of the tail. By contrast, brown males were uniform olive-green to yellow-brown, with the exception of light blue spots on the lateral torso. Females were colored like brown males but lacked the blue spots. Testis length scaled with body size. Testes of only 26% of brown males were active, whereas all blue males had active testes. Blue males initiated aggressive encounters involving chases and displays directed toward other males much more frequently than females were aggressive with consexuals or with either type of male. Brown males were not observed to initiate aggression. Most blue male aggression was directed toward other blue males (70.6% of encounters), whereas 29.4% of encounters were with brown males. Blue males initiated 85.7% of the courtship encounters observed compared with only 7.1% initiated by brown males and 7.2% by females. Male-biased dimorphism in head and leg dimensions as well as coloration, together with higher rates of intrasexual aggression and courtship activity by blue males, are consistent with the hypothesis that sexual selection explains the evolution of sexual dimorphism in C. murinus.
机译:我们测量了身体的大小和色泽,并量化了博内尔岛ip鱼Cnemidophorus murinus中两个色相的雌性和雄性的行为,以开始探讨该物种性二态性的最终成因。尺寸调整的身体尺寸的检查显示,雄性的头部更宽,更长,更深,前肢和后腿也更长。男性的特征是两种不同的着色模式。蓝色的雄性表现出紫蓝色的垂花,头部和前躯干呈蓝灰色背景色,侧面有许多浅蓝色斑点,躯干后部呈棕橙色,尾巴近端呈青绿色。相比之下,棕色的雄性是均匀的橄榄绿色至黄棕色,但躯干外侧有淡蓝色斑点。雌性的颜色像雄性棕色,但没有蓝色斑点。睾丸的长度与体型成正比。只有26%的棕色男性的睾丸活跃,而所有蓝色的男性都有活跃的睾丸。蓝色的雄性发起激进的相遇,包括追逐和向其他雄性的展示,这比雌性对性伴侣或任何一种雄性的激进要频繁得多。未观察到棕色雄性开始侵略。大多数蓝色男性的攻击是针对其他蓝色男性的(70.6%的遭遇),而29.4%的遭遇是与棕色男性的攻击。蓝种雄性引发了85.7%的求爱遭遇,而棕色雄性发起的恋爱率仅为7.1%,雌性发起了7.2%。男性偏向于头部和腿部的双态性以及颜色,再加上蓝色男性对性行为的侵略和求爱活动的发生率较高,这与以下事实相符:性选择解释了C. murinus性双态性的演变。



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