首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Journal of Soil Science >Podzolic soils of Canada: genesis, distribution, and classification. (Special Issue: Soils of Canada.)

Podzolic soils of Canada: genesis, distribution, and classification. (Special Issue: Soils of Canada.)

机译:加拿大的Podzolic土壤:成因,分布和分类。 (特刊:加拿大土壤。)

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Podzolic soils occupy 14.3% of the Canadian landmass, and occur in two widely separated areas, eastern Canada (northern Ontario, Quebec, Maritimes) and British Columbia, usually under coniferous forest and on non-calcareous parent materials. Broad climatic control of Podzol distribution and properties is evident at the national scale, with higher organic matter concentrations (Ferro-Humic Podzols) in wetter climates, in contrast to Humo-Ferric Podzols predominating in drier boreal forest regions. Humic Podzols are least abundant and are restricted to the wettest landscape positions. International and Canadian research suggests that a more diverse range of processes is involved in podzolization than was envisioned in the 1960s, and proposed mechanisms must account for observed patterns of organic matter distribution and a diverse array of inorganic amorphous constituents in profiles. Taxonomic concepts of Podzolic soils in the Canadian System of Soil Classification have remained consistent since the late 1970s, and the higher-level criteria defining the order and its great groups have proved to be meaningful in new applications, such as delineating soil carbon stocks across Canadian landscapes. Canadian contributions to pedological research on Podzols declined dramatically after 1990, coincident with shifting research priorities in soil science and diminished activity in soil survey.
机译:Podzolic土壤占加拿大陆地面积的14.3%,分布在加拿大东部(安大略省北部,魁北克省,海事省)和不列颠哥伦比亚省两个相距较远的地区,通常位于针叶林和非钙质母质下。在全国范围内,对Podzol分布和特性的广泛气候控制是显而易见的,在潮湿的气候中,有机质含量较高(Ferro-Humic Podzols),而在干燥的北方森林地区则主要是Humo-Ferric Podzols。腐殖土含量最少,并且仅限于最湿的景观位置。国际和加拿大的研究表明,与1960年代所设想的相比,过氧化氢化涉及的过程范围更广,所提出的机制必须考虑观察到的有机物分布模式和剖面中无机无定形成分的多样性。自1970年代后期以来,加拿大土壤分类系统中Podzolic土壤的分类学概念一直保持一致,并且定义该顺序及其大类的更高级别的标准在新的应用中被证明是有意义的,例如在加拿大各地划定土壤碳储量风景。 1990年以后,加拿大对Podzols的土壤学研究的贡献急剧下降,这与土壤科学领域研究重点的转移和土壤调查活动的减少相吻合。



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