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Relationships matter: the problems and prospects for social workers' relationships with young children in care


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One of the key lessons learnt in the UK from the Laming Inquiry into the death of Victoria Climbie was the importance of social workers developing consistent and long-term relationships with young children in whose lives they are involved. This issue is now informing policy developments, including the proposed Social Work Practices which, based on a similar model to General Practitioner practices, aim to provide a lead professional to act as a parental figure and an advocate for every child in care. This paper begins by confirming the importance of developing relationships between social workers and young children, but questions the ability of the new policy developments to facilitate these. Drawing upon data from research involving interviews with social workers, the paper outlines the factors which hinder social workers' relationships with young children and argues that while the new proposals address some of the more surface structural and organizational factors, they do not address the deeper factors regarding attitudes, values and emotional competence which are crucial if social workers are to successfully build relationships with young children in care.
机译:在英国从维多利亚·克林比(Victoria Climbie)的死亡调查中获得的主要经验教训之一是,社会工作者与所生活的幼儿发展出长期稳定的长期关系的重要性。现在,这个问题正在通知政策发展,包括拟议的社会工作实践,该社会工作实践基于与全科医生实践类似的模式,旨在提供一名牵头专业人士担任父母身分,并为每个被照料的孩子提倡。本文首先确认了发展社会工作者与幼儿之间关系的重要性,但对新政策制定促进这些关系的能力提出了质疑。本文利用涉及社会工作者访谈的研究数据,概述了阻碍社会工作者与幼儿关系的因素,并指出,尽管新提案解决了一些更表面的结构和组织因素,但并未解决更深层的因素态度,价值观和情感能力,这对于社工要与受照料的幼儿成功建立关系至关重要。



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