首页> 外文期刊>Systems and Synthetic Biology >Synthetic organisms and living machines: Positioning the products of synthetic biology at the borderline between living and non-living matter

Synthetic organisms and living machines: Positioning the products of synthetic biology at the borderline between living and non-living matter


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The difference between a non-living machine such as a vacuum cleaner and a living organism as a lion seems to be obvious. The two types of entities differ in their material consistence, their origin, their development and their purpose. This apparently clear-cut borderline has previously been challenged by fictitious ideas of "artificial organism" and "living machines" as well as by progress in technology and breeding. The emergence of novel technologies such as artificial life, nanobiotechnology andsynthetic biology are definitely blurring the boundary between our understanding of living and non-living matter. This essay discusses where, at the borderline between living and non-living matter, we can position the future products of synthetic biology that belong to the two hybrid entities "synthetic organisms" and "living machines" and how the approaching realization of such hybrid entities affects our understanding of organisms and machines. For this purpose we focus on the description of three different types of synthetic biology products and the aims assigned to their realization: (1) synthetic minimal cells aimed at by protocell synthetic biology, (2) chassis organisms strived for by synthetic genomics and (3) genetically engineered machines produced by bioengineering. We argue that in the case of synthetic biology the purpose is more decisive for the categorization of a product as an organism or a machine than its origin and development. This has certain ethical implications because the definition of an entity as machine seems to allow bypassing the discussion about the assignment and evaluation of instrumental and intrinsic values, which can be raised in the case of organisms.
机译:诸如吸尘器之类的非生命机器与作为狮子的生物体之间的区别似乎很明显。两种类型的实体在材料一致性,来源,发展和目的上都不同。这种明显清晰的边界以前曾被“人造生物”和“活体机器”的虚拟构想以及技术和育种方面的挑战所挑战。诸如人工生命,纳米生物技术和合成生物学之类的新技术的出现,无疑模糊了我们对生物和非生物物质的理解的界限。本文讨论了在有生命和无生命物质之间的边界处,我们可以将属于两个杂交实体“合成生物”和“生命机器”的合成生物学的未来产品定位,以及如何实现这种杂交实体影响我们对生物和机器的理解。为此,我们着重介绍三种不同类型的合成生物学产品及其实现的目标:(1)原始细胞合成生物学针对的合成最小细胞,(2)合成基因组学所追求的底架生物,以及(3 )由生物工程学生产的基因工程机器。我们认为,在合成生物学的情况下,目的是将产品分类为生物体还是机器,而不是其起源和发展。这具有一定的伦理意义,因为将实体定义为机器似乎可以绕开关于工具和内在价值的分配和评估的讨论,这在有机物的情况下可能会引起。



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