首页> 外文期刊>Urology >Elective versus routine postoperative clinic appointments after circumcisions performed under local anesthesia

Elective versus routine postoperative clinic appointments after circumcisions performed under local anesthesia


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Objective: To evaluate a model of elective postoperative clinic appointments after a minor urological procedure and to compare it to the traditional practice of routine appointments. Methods: A total of 104 consecutive patients undergoing adult circumcision under local anesthesia were divided into 2 groups; group A (n = 45) received routine postoperative clinic appointments and group B (n = 59) were given the option to make an appointment on an as-needed basis. Both groups received detailed postoperative instructions on the early signs of symptoms of potential adverse events. The 2 groups were compared regarding demographics, clinical profile, postoperative recovery, and outcome. Results: Group A patients ("routine appointments") were younger (51 vs 60 years, P <.0001) and included fewer African Americans (57.8% vs 78.0%, P <.03) compared to group B patients ("elective appointments"). Postoperative clinic appointments were categorized as unnecessary in 84.4% (38/45) and 71.1% (42/59) of the patients in groups A and B, respectively. Of the remaining 17 patients in group B who elected to make an appointment, only 1 patient (1.7%) had a true procedure-related issue that justified the visit and required management. Overall, there was no statistical difference between the 2 groups with regard to the number of patients with perceived postoperative issues (P =.36). Conclusion: The traditional practice of routine clinic appointments after uncomplicated adult circumcision is medically unnecessary and provides little value in the majority of cases. The practice of open access elective postoperative evaluation based on clearly defined clinical criteria is efficacious, safe, convenient, and enhances resource utilization.
机译:目的:评估轻微泌尿外科手术后的择期术后门诊约会模型,并将其与常规的常规约会进行比较。方法:将104例在局部麻醉下连续行成人包皮环切术的患者分为两组。 A组(n = 45)接受了常规的术后诊所预约,B组(n = 59)可以根据需要进行预约。两组均接受了有关潜在不良事件症状早期迹象的详细术后指导。比较两组的人口统计学,临床资料,术后恢复情况和结局。结果:与B组患者(“选择性约会”)相比,A组患者(“常规约会”)更年轻(51岁vs 60岁,P <.0001),包括的非洲裔美国人较少(57.8%vs 78.0%,P <.03)。 ”)。分别在A组和B组的84.4%(38/45)和71.1%(42/59)的患者中将术后门诊预约分类为不必要。 B组中其余的17位选择预约的患者中,只有1位患者(1.7%)患有与手术相关的真正问题,该事实证明了就诊和需要进行治疗的合理性。总体而言,两组之间在有感觉到的术后问题的患者数量上没有统计学差异(P = .36)。结论:成人无包皮环切手术后常规的常规门诊任命在医学上是不必要的,在大多数情况下几乎没有价值。基于明确定义的临床标准的开放式选择性术后评估实践是有效,安全,方便的,并提高了资源利用率。



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