首页> 外文期刊>Psychoneuroendocrinology: An International Journal >Stress alters personal moral decision making

Stress alters personal moral decision making


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While early studies of moral decision making highlighted the role of rational, conscious executive processes involving frontal lobe activation more recent work has suggested that emotions and gut reactions have a key part to play in moral reasoning. Given that stress can activate many of the same brain regions that are important for and connected to brain centres involved in emotional processing we sought to evaluate if stress could influence moral decision making. Sixty-five undergraduate volunteers were randomly assigned to control (n=33) and experimental groups (n=32). The latter underwent the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) and induction of stress was assessed by measurement of salivary cortisol levels. Subjects were then required to provide a response to thirty moral dilemmas via a computer interface that recorded both their decision and reaction time. Three types of dilemmas were used: non-moral, impersonal moral and personal moral. Using a binary logistic model there were no significant predicators of utilitarian response in non-moral and impersonal moral dilemmas. However the stressed group and females were found to predict utilitarian responses to personal moral dilemmas. When comparing percentage utilitarian responses there were no significant differences noted for the non-moral and impersonal moral dilemmas but the stressed group showed significantly less utilitarian responses compared to control subjects. The stress response was significantly negatively correlated with utilitarian responses. Females also showed significantly less utilitarian responses than males. We conclude that activation of the stress response predisposed participants to less utilitarian responses when faced with high conflict personal moral dilemmas and suggest that this offers further support for dual process theory of moral judgment. We also conclude that females tend to make less utilitarian personal moral decisions compared to males, providing further evidence that there are gender differences in moral reasoning.
机译:早期对道德决策的研究强调了理性的作用,而涉及额叶激活的有意识的执行过程,最近的工作表明,情绪和肠道反应在道德推理中起着关键作用。鉴于压力可以激活许多与情绪处理相关的大脑中枢并连接的重要大脑区域,我们试图评估压力是否会影响道德决策。 65名大学生志愿者被随机分为对照组(n = 33)和实验组(n = 32)。后者接受了Trier社会压力测试(TSST),并通过测量唾液皮质醇水平来评估压力的诱导。然后要求受试者通过记录他们的决定和反应时间的计算机界面对三十种道德困境做出反应。使用了三种类型的困境:非道德,非人格道德和个人道德。使用二元逻辑模型,在非道德和非人格道德困境中没有功利主义反应的重要谓词。然而,发现压力大的群体和女性预测了对个人道德困境的功利性反应。在比较功利回应百分率时,非道德和非个人道德困境没有显着差异,但与对照组相比,压力大的群体表现出的功利回应明显更少。压力反应与功利反应显着负相关。女性也显示出比男性少得多的功利反应。我们得出结论,当面对高度冲突的个人道德困境时,压力反应的激活会使参与者倾向于功利主义反应较少,并建议这为道德判断的双重过程理论提供了进一步的支持。我们还得出结论,与男性相比,女性倾向于做出的功利主义个人道德决定更少,这进一步证明了道德推理中存在性别差异。



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