首页> 外文期刊>Psychoneuroendocrinology: An International Journal >Human milk cortisol is associated with infant temperament

Human milk cortisol is associated with infant temperament


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The implications of the biologically active elements in milk for the mammalian infant are largely unknown. Animal models demonstrate that transmission of glucocorticoids through milk influences behavior and modifies brain development in offspring. The aim of this study was to determine the relation between human milk cortisol levels and temperament of the breastfed infant. Fifty-two mother and infant pairs participated when the infants were three-months old. Milk cortisol levels were assessed and each mother completed the Infant Behavior Questionnaire (IBQ), a widely used parent-report measure of infant temperament. Analyses revealed a positive association between milk cortisol and the negative affectivity dimension of the IBQ (partial r=. .37, p<. .01). No correlation was found between elevated cortisol levels and the surgency/extraversion or the orienting/regulation dimensions. Further, the positive association between increased maternal milk cortisol and negative affectivity was present among girls (. β=. .59, p<. .01), but not among boys. (Although, the sex by milk cortisol interaction term was not statistically significant, suggesting that these results require replication.) Environmental factors such as maternal demographics and negative maternal affect (depression and perceived stress) at the time of assessment did not account for the positive association. The findings support the proposal that exposure to elevated levels of cortisol in human milk influences infant temperament. The findings further suggest that mothers have the ability to shape offspring phenotype through the transmission of biologically active components in milk.
机译:牛奶中的生物活性元素对哺乳动物婴儿的影响尚不清楚。动物模型表明,糖皮质激素通过牛奶的传播会影响行为并改变后代的大脑发育。这项研究的目的是确定人乳皮质醇水平与母乳喂养婴儿的气质之间的关系。婴儿三个月大时,有52对母婴参加。评估了牛奶皮质醇水平,每位母亲均完成了婴儿行为问卷(IBQ),这是一项广泛使用的父母对婴儿气质的测量报告。分析表明,牛奶皮质醇与IBQ的负情感维度之间存在正相关(部分r = .37,p <.01)。在皮质醇水平升高与紧急/外向或定向/调节尺寸之间未发现相关性。此外,女孩中的母乳皮质醇增加与负性情感之间存在正相关(β= .59,p <.01),而男孩中则没有。 (尽管按乳皮质醇相互作用的性别无统计学意义,表明这些结果需要重复。)评估时,诸如母亲的人口统计学特征和负面的母亲影响(抑郁和感觉到的压力)等环境因素并未说明阳性。协会。这些发现支持了这样的建议,即人乳中皮质醇水平升高会影响婴儿的气质。这些发现进一步表明,母亲有能力通过牛奶中生物活性成分的传递来塑造后代表型。



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