首页> 外文期刊>Psychoneuroendocrinology: An International Journal >Pituitary volume mediates the relationship between pubertal timing and depressive symptoms during adolescence

Pituitary volume mediates the relationship between pubertal timing and depressive symptoms during adolescence


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Early timing of puberty (i.e., advanced pubertal maturation relative to peers) has been linked to the onset of depressive symptoms during the early adolescent phase. However, the precise neurobiological mechanisms linking early pubertal timing to adolescent depressive symptoms are not clear. We investigated whether the volume of the pituitary gland, a key component of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axes, mediated the relationship between pubertal timing and depressive symptoms in 155 adolescents (72 females) both cross-sectionally and longitudinally. At baseline (. M age 12.7, . SD 0.5 years), early pubertal timing predicted larger pituitary gland volume and higher depressive symptoms (especially for girls), but there was no mediation effect. Longitudinally, however, larger pituitary gland volume at baseline was found to mediate the relationship between early pubertal timing and increased depressive symptoms over time (. M follow-up period. =. 2.57 years, . SD=. 0.26) for both boys and girls. Our findings suggest that neurobiological mechanisms are partly responsible for the link between early pubertal timing and depressive symptoms in adolescents. We speculate that an enlarged pituitary gland in adolescents with early pubertal timing might be associated with hyperactivation of the hormonal stress response, leading to increased susceptibility to environmental stressors, and subsequent development of depressive symptoms. Given the well-established relationship between increasing depressive symptoms in adolescence and later disorder, these findings have implications for targeted prevention and early intervention strategies for depressive disorders in adolescence.
机译:青春期的早期(即,相对于同龄人而言,青春期提前)与青春期早期抑郁症状的发作有关。然而,将青春期早期与青春期抑郁症状联系起来的确切神经生物学机制尚不清楚。我们调查了下丘脑-垂体-性腺(HPG)和下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺(HPA)轴的关键组成部分垂体腺是否介导了155名青少年(72名女性)的青春期时机与抑郁症状之间的关系。横截面和纵向。在基线时(.M年龄12.7,.SD 0.5岁),青春期早期预示着更大的垂体腺体积和更高的抑郁症状(尤其是对于女孩),但没有调解作用。然而,从纵向上看,发现基线时垂体较大的腺体介导了男孩和女孩青春期早期与抑郁症状随时间推移的增加之间的关系(.M随访期... 2.57年,.SD = .0.26)。 。我们的发现表明,神经生物学机制部分负责青春期早期青春期与青少年的抑郁症状之间的联系。我们推测青春期早期的青春期垂体腺增大可能与荷尔蒙应激反应的过度激活有关,导致对环境应激源的敏感性增加,并随后出现抑郁症状。鉴于青春期抑郁症状的增加与后来的疾病之间已建立的关系,这些发现对青春期抑郁症的靶向预防和早期干预策略具有重要意义。



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