
Late Quaternary glaciation in the Kyrgyz Tien Shan


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The Tien Shan of Kyrgyzstan contains multiple moraines and drift from late Quaternary glaciations. The spatial/temporal distribution of the glaciers inferred from the moraines suggests that the main factor controlling glacier advance here was the availability of moisture. The dominant modern climatic signatures in northern Central Asia include orographic thunderstorms in summer, cold and dry Siberian high-pressure cells in winter, and westerly cyclonic storms from the North Atlantic and eastern Mediterranean in spring and fall. Changes in any of these systems during the late Quaternary would have varied precipitation delivery to, and glacier growth in the Kyrgyz Tien Shan. Geomorphic mapping and reconnaissance-level Be-10 cosmic-ray exposure dating of moraine sequences in six drainages indicate that there were multiple "maximum" advances of similar extents and equilibrium-line depressions across the range. Glaciers in the north and east of the Kyrgyz Tien Shan last advanced to their maximum positions during marine oxygen isotope stage (MIS) 5 and again during MIS 4, while in the south and west of the range advance occurred during MIS 3. In contrast to maritime Europe and North America, there is no evidence of a major glacial advance during MIS 2. Glacier advances during MIS 2 and since were restricted to the vicinity of modern glaciers, allowing the older glacial record to be preserved well
机译:吉尔吉斯斯坦的天山有多个沟壑,并从第四纪末期冰川期开始漂移。从冰rain中推断出的冰川的时空分布表明,控制冰川前进的主要因素是水分的可利用性。中亚北部的主要现代气候特征包括夏季的地形雷暴,冬季的干冷西伯利亚高压单元以及春季和秋季的北大西洋和地中海东部的西风。在第四纪晚期,任何这些系统的变化都会使吉尔吉斯斯坦天山的降水输送和冰川生长发生变化。六个排水沟中冰m序列的地貌制图和侦察级别的Be-10宇宙射线暴露定年表明,在整个范围内,相似程度的多处“最大”进展和平衡线下陷。吉尔吉斯斯坦天山北部和东部的冰川在海洋氧同位素阶段(MIS)5期间以及在MIS 4期间再次前进至最大位置,而在该范围的南部和西部,MIS 3期间发生了前进。在欧洲和北美海域,没有证据表明在MIS 2期间有重大的冰川发展。在MIS 2期间的冰川发展,并且由于仅限于现代冰川附近,因此可以很好地保存较旧的冰川记录。



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