首页> 外文期刊>Quaternary Research: An Interdisciplinary Journal >Migration patterns of Neolithic settlements on the abandoned Yellow and Yangtze River deltas of China

Migration patterns of Neolithic settlements on the abandoned Yellow and Yangtze River deltas of China


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Archaeological records of the Neolithic settlements oil the eastern China coast between 35 degrees N and 30 degrees N, all area covering the abandoned Yellow River and the Yangtze River delta plains, reveal that Neolithic people moved from the Yellow River basin onto the northern coast for fishing, hunting and dry-land agriculture similar to 7000 yr ago. Marine transgression interrupted their activities oil the low-lying (2-5 m in elevation) coastal wetlands between 6000 and 5000 yr ago, after which they reclaimed their land near the river mouths. Their migration routes oil the southern Yangtze delta plain indicate another scenario: early Neolithic communities moved onto the plain for wet-rice cultivation. Despite relative sea-level rise from 7000 to 4000 yr ago, a large number of settlements were established on the lowlands between the eastern Chenier Ridges and the western Taihu Lake depression. The Chenier Ridges, with similar to 1.0 m higher topography than the adjacent coastal area, played a role in sheltering the Neolithic people. Subsequently, settlements waned considerably, possibly due to further marine inundation combined with cold climate. The present study shows that migration patterns of the Neolithic settlements are closely associated with a gradually rising sea level between 7000 and 4000 yr ago. (C) 2008 University of Washington. All rights reserved.
机译:新石器时代聚居区的考古记录表明,中国东部沿海地区在北纬35度到北纬30度之间,覆盖了废弃的黄河和长江三角洲平原,这表明新石器时代的人们从黄河流域迁移到北部海岸捕鱼。 ,狩猎和旱地农业类似于7000年前。在6000到5000年前之间,海侵活动中断了低洼海岸湿地(海拔2-5 m)的活动,此后他们开垦了河口附近的土地。他们在长江三角洲南部平原上的迁徙路线表明了另一种情况:新石器时代早期的社区搬到平原上进行水稻种植。尽管从7000年前的相对海平面上升到4000年前,但在Chenier Ridges东部和Taihu Lake西部凹陷之间的低地上建立了大量定居点。 Chenier Ridges的地形比附近的沿海地区高1.0 m,在庇护新石器时代的人们中发挥了作用。随后,定居点大幅下降,可能是由于进一步的海洋淹没和寒冷的气候所致。本研究表明,新石器时代定居点的迁徙模式与7000至4000年前的海平面逐渐升高密切相关。 (C)2008年华盛顿大学。版权所有。



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