首页> 外文期刊>Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, medizinische Psychologie >How do somatoform and depressive symptoms and syndromes affect life satisfaction? Results from a representative population survey in Germany [Wie wirken sich somatoforme und depressive Symptome und Syndrome auf die Lebenszufriedenheit aus? Ergebnisse einer bev?lkerungsrepr?sentativen Befragung in Deutschland]

How do somatoform and depressive symptoms and syndromes affect life satisfaction? Results from a representative population survey in Germany [Wie wirken sich somatoforme und depressive Symptome und Syndrome auf die Lebenszufriedenheit aus? Ergebnisse einer bev?lkerungsrepr?sentativen Befragung in Deutschland]


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Objectives: The aim of this study is to investigate the differential impact of somatoform and depressive symptoms/syndromes on life satisfaction. Methods: In a representative population survey in Germany (N=2 510) depressive and somatic symptoms are screened with the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ), Life satisfaction is assessed with the Questions on Life Satisfaction (FLZ M). Results: Both subclinical depressive/somatic symptoms and clinically relevant depressive/somatoform syndromes are associated with decreased life satisfaction. Depressive symptoms/syndromes result in lower satisfaction in all areas of life, whereas somatic symptoms/somatoform syndromes only affect certain domains of life satisfaction. Conclusions: Considering comorbid depressive symptoms/syndromes, somatic symptoms and somatoform syndromes show negative associations with only some of the subdimensions of life satisfaction. A dimensional approach is useful to consider the effects of subclinical symptoms on life satisfaction.
机译:目的:本研究的目的是研究躯体形式和抑郁症状/综合征对生活满意度的不同影响。方法:在德国的一项代表性人口调查(N = 2 510)中,使用患者健康调查表(PH​​Q)筛选了抑郁和躯体症状,并通过生活满意度问题(FLZ M)评估了生活满意度。结果:亚临床抑郁/躯体症状和临床相关的抑郁/躯体形式综合症都与生活满意度降低相关。抑郁症状/综合征导致生活各个方面的满意度降低,而躯体症状/躯体形式综合症仅影响生活满意度的某些方面。结论:考虑到合并性抑郁症状/综合症,躯体症状和躯体形式综合症与生活满意度的某些方面呈负相关。多维方法可用于考虑亚临床症状对生活满意度的影响。



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