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The Stanford Integrated Psychosocial Assessment for Transplantation (SIPAT): a new tool for the psychosocial evaluation of pre-transplant candidates.


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While medical criteria have been well established for each end-organ system, psychosocial listing criteria are less standardized. To address this limitation, we developed and tested a new assessment tool: the Stanford Integrated Psychosocial Assessment for Transplantation (SIPAT).The SIPAT was developed from a comprehensive review of the literature on the psychosocial factors that impact transplant outcomes. Five examiners blindly applied the SIPAT to 102 randomly selected transplant cases, including liver, heart, and lung patients. After all subject's files had been rated by the examiners, the respective transplant teams provided the research team with the patient's outcome data.Univariate logistic regression models were fit in order to predict the transplant psychosocial outcome (positive or negative) using each rater's SIPAT scores. These results show that SIPAT scores are highly predictive of the transplant psychosocial outcome (P < 0.0001). The instrument has excellent inter-rater reliability (Pearson's correlation coefficient = 0.853), even among novice raters.The SIPAT is a comprehensive screening tool to assist in the psychosocial assessment of organ transplant candidates. Its strengths includes the standardization of the evaluation process and its ability to identify subjects who are at risk for negative outcomes after the transplant, in order to allow for the development of interventions directed at improving the patient's candidacy. Our goal is that the SIPAT, in addition to a set of agreed upon minimal psychosocial listing criteria, would be used in combination with organ-specific medical listing criteria in order to establish standardized criteria for the selection of transplant recipients.
机译:虽然已经为每个最终器官系统确立了医学标准,但社会心理清单标准却标准化程度较低。为了解决这一局限性,我们开发并测试了一种新的评估工具:斯坦福大学移植的社会心理综合评估(SIPAT)。SIPAT是对影响移植结果的社会心理因素的文献进行全面回顾而开发的。五名检查员盲目地将SIPAT应用于102个随机选择的移植病例,包括肝,心和肺患者。在检查者对所有受试者的档案进行了评估之后,各个移植小组向研究小组提供了患者的结局数据。使用单因素logistic回归模型进行拟合,以便使用每个评估者的SIPAT分数预测移植的心理社会结局(阳性或阴性)。这些结果表明,SIPAT评分可高度预测移植的心理结果(P <0.0001)。即使在新手评估者中,该仪器也具有极高的评估者间信度(Pearson相关系数= 0.853)。SIPAT是一种全面的筛选工具,可帮助进行器官移植候选者的社会心理评估。其优势包括评估过程的标准化及其识别移植后有不良结果风险的受试者的能力,以允许开发针对改善患者候选资格的干预措施。我们的目标是将SIPAT与一系列商定的最低社会心理列表标准结合起来,与特定器官的医疗列表标准结合使用,以建立用于选择移植接受者的标准化标准。



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