首页> 外文期刊>Psychosomatic Medicine: Journal of the American Psychosomatic Society >Changing face of pain: evolution of pain research in psychosomatic medicine.

Changing face of pain: evolution of pain research in psychosomatic medicine.


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OBJECTIVE: This article provides an overview of how psychosomatic research on pain has evolved over the past 60 years as exemplified by studies published in Psychosomatic Medicine. METHODS: Each issue of Psychosomatic Medicine from 1939 to 1999 was reviewed to identify papers that dealt with pain, painful medical conditions, or pain management. A total of 150 papers were identified and grouped into seven categories: 1) case studies; 2) studies of personality traits and other individual differences; 3) psychophysiological studies of pain; 4) studies using pain induction techniques; 5) studies examining the relation of relation of race, ethnicity, and culture to pain; 6) studies of pain unique to women; and 7) studies examining treatments for pain. RESULTS: A substantial number of studies on pain and painful conditions were published in the Journal in the 1940s and 1950s, and that number has almost doubled in the most recent full decade of the Journal. Within the pain area, however, the topics of interest to psychosomatic researchers have been, and continue to be, quite diverse. Although publications on certain methods or topics (eg, psychodynamic case studies, physiological correlates of pain) have decreased over time, publications on other topics (eg, personality traits and individual differences) have remained relatively constant, and publications on still other topics (eg, studies using pain induction techniques; studies of race, ethnicity, and culture; women's pain; and treatment studies) have flourished recently. CONCLUSIONS: Considered overall, the results of our review suggest that the face of pain research published in PM has changed considerably in the past 60 years. Given the ongoing commitment of psychosomatic researchers to this area, we expect this evolution to continue in the years to come.
机译:目的:本文概述了过去60年来对疼痛的心身研究如何发展,以发表在《心身医学》上的研究为例证。方法:对1939年至1999年的每期《心身医学》进行了综述,以鉴定涉及疼痛,痛苦的医疗状况或疼痛管理的论文。总共确定了150篇论文,并将其分为七个类别:1)案例研究; 2)研究人格特质和其他个体差异; 3)疼痛的心理生理学研究; 4)使用疼痛诱导技术进行研究; 5)研究种族,种族和文化与痛苦之间关系的研究; 6)研究女性特有的疼痛; 7)研究疼痛治疗方法的研究。结果:在1940年代和1950年代,《华尔街日报》上发表了大量有关疼痛和痛苦状况的研究,在《华尔街日报》最近的整整十年中,这一数字几乎翻了一番。然而,在疼痛领域,心身研究人员感兴趣的主题已经并且将继续是各种各样的。尽管有关某些方法或主题(例如,心理动力学案例研究,疼痛的生理相关性)的出版物随着时间的推移而有所减少,但有关其他主题(例如,人格特质和个体差异)的出版物却保持相对稳定,而有关其他主题(例如, ,使用疼痛诱导技术的研究,种族,种族和文化的研究,女性的疼痛以及治疗研究)最近蓬勃发展。结论:从总体上考虑,我们的审查结果表明,在过去的60年中,发表在PM中的疼痛研究的面貌发生了很大变化。鉴于心身研究者对这一领域的不懈努力,我们预计这种发展将在未来几年继续。



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