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The McKinsey 7S model Seven steps to success


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When looking to manage and improve a company, this popular model is intended to highlight how changing just one area is likely to be problematic. A company is a complex set of interrelated systems that interact. When you want to change the company you may well need to change multiple factors, including hard and soft factors, The McKinsey 7S model gained particular fame through Tom Peters' book In Search of Excellence..Strategy includes the overall intent and approach of the organisation that influences all other decisions. The process of strategising can be very different for every organisation, including a top-down vision deployment, a corporate strategic department and a highly devolved choice system. The problem with most strategy is that by the time it reaches the front line, it has mutated so much that the sum of the actions will not achieve the original intent.
机译:当寻求管理和改善公司时,这种流行的模式旨在强调仅改变一个区域可能会带来问题。公司是相互作用的一组复杂的相互关联的系统。当您想更改公司时,您可能需要更改多个因素,包括硬性因素和软性因素,麦肯锡7S模型通过汤姆·彼得斯(Tom Peters)的《追求卓越》(In Search of Excellence)一书而声名particular起。战略包括组织的总体意图和方法这会影响所有其他决策。每个组织的战略制定过程都可能非常不同,包括自上而下的愿景部署,公司战略部门和高度分散的选择系统。大多数策略的问题在于,当它到达第一线时,它已经发生了巨大的变异,以至于动作的总和将无法达到最初的意图。



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