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Pub group JD Weatherspoon has fined £ 13,500 for not adequately dealing with a mice infestation one of its City of London pubs. The chain, known for cut-price alcohol, received the fine after pleading guilty to three charges under the Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations Act 1995. Environmental health inspectors found the bodies of dead mice adhering to a sticky glue-board used as a trap. Droppings littered several rooms, including the kitchen, and inspectors found the caterers' health and safety manual similarly covered in mouse droppings. A Weatherspoon spokesman said: "We have our own independent environmental health team which checks our pubs on a regular basis, but it was a complete failure on this occasion."ISO is modifying its procedure for the establishment of new technical committees, in line with ongoing efforts to serve market needs. The new procedure means that all new technical committees will be established on a provisional basis at first. The secretariat of the committee will have to produce a business plan to ensure that it is fully aligned with market requirements. Committees will be able to initiate standards development in parallel with elaboration of the business plan, but the technical committee will only be formally established once the business plan is approved. The decision to modify procedures was taken in June by ISO's technical management board to instill a more acute awareness of the need to understand the business environment that a committee works in.
机译:酒馆集团JD Weatherspoon因未充分应对其伦敦市一家酒馆中的老鼠感染而被罚款13,500英镑。这条以廉价酒精闻名的链条,在根据《 1995年食品安全(通用食品卫生)条例》承认三项指控后被罚款。环境卫生检查人员发现,死老鼠的尸体粘附在一块粘胶板上,被用作毒品。陷阱。粪便乱丢了包括厨房在内的多个房间,检查员发现,餐饮者的健康和安全手册也被老鼠粪便覆盖。 Weatherspoon的一位发言人说:“我们有自己的独立环境卫生团队,要定期检查我们的酒吧,但这次完全失败了。” ISO正在根据新的技术委员会修改其建立新技术委员会的程序。不断努力满足市场需求。新程序意味着所有新技术委员会都将首先临时成立。该委员会的秘书处将不得不制定一项业务计划,以确保其完全符合市场要求。委员会将能够在制定商业计划的同时启动标准制定,但是只有在商业计划获得批准后才能正式成立技术委员会。 ISO的技术管理委员会于6月做出了修改程序的决定,以使人们更加敏锐地意识到需要了解委员会工作的商业环境。



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