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Address Metrology Challenges


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Small part measurements can lead to big problems if done incorrectly. With parts getting smaller and tolerances getting tighter, it is important to consider the measurement method and device carefully. InsituTec's (Charlotte, NC) MicroTouch sensor is able to measure micro and nanoscale parts and features that currently cannot be measured using other technologies. The sensor is a dimensional measurement scanning probe based on the company's standing wave technology. The MicroTouch fills a need in the marketplace, explains Bethany Woody, president and co-founder of InsituTec. The technology behind the MicroTouch was invented by the company's founders when they were graduate students at the University of North Carolina-Charlotte's Center for Precision Metrology, as they saw a need to measure features at the micro or nanoscale level. Existing technologies are unable to meet current and future micrometrology needs, Woody says, as they are limited in their ability to measure deep narrow features such as holes, channels and gears.
机译:如果做得不正确,小零件的测量会导致大问题。随着零件越来越小,公差越来越小,仔细考虑测量方法和设备非常重要。 InsituTec的(北卡罗来纳州夏洛特市)MicroTouch传感器能够测量目前无法使用其他技术测量的微米和纳米级零件和特征。该传感器是基于公司驻波技术的尺寸测量扫描探头。 InsituTec总裁兼联合创始人Bethany Woody解释说,MicroTouch满足了市场需求。 MicroTouch的技术是该公司的创始人在北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特精密计量中心攻读研究生时发明的,因为他们认为需要在微米或纳米级别上测量特征。伍迪说,现有技术无法满足当前和将来的微观计量学需求,因为它们在测量诸如孔,通道和齿轮之类的深窄特征方面的能力有限。



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