首页> 外文期刊>Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific >Aluminum-Oxygen Abundance Anticorrelations and Deep-Mixing Scenarios for Globular-Cluster Giants

Aluminum-Oxygen Abundance Anticorrelations and Deep-Mixing Scenarios for Globular-Cluster Giants


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We explore the conditions under which large aluminum enhancements might be produced by very deep mixing and proton-capture nucleosynthesis in bright globular cluster giants. We find that: (1) The initial abundances of neutron-rich magnesium seed nuclei must be surprisingly large for stars that belong to an old, metal-poor population. [Al/Fe] overabundances near 1.0 dex suggest that the initial 25Mg/24Mg ratio must be almost four times as large as it is in the Sun. If 25Mg and 26Mg isotopes make equal contributions to the aluminum overabundance, both ratios must be about twice as big as they are in the Sun. (2) Cluster giants with large aluminum enhancements (-1.0 dex) produced by very deep mixing should show smaller but observable Mg depletions (-0.2 dex) as a result of the destruction of 25Mg and 26Mg. (3) Large aluminum enhancements are very likely to be accompanied by significant hydrogen depletions and helium enhancements throughout the stellar envelope. Adding hydrogen from the envelope to the hydrogen burning shell may have an observable impact on giant-branch evolution; a helium-enriched envelope will surely have an important impact on the star's later location on the horizontal branch.
机译:我们探索了在明亮的球形簇状巨人中,通过非常深的混合和质子捕获核合成可能产生大量铝增强的条件。我们发现:(1)对于属于旧的,金属贫乏人群的恒星,富含中子的镁种子核的初始丰度必须出乎意料地大。 [Al / Fe]接近1.0 dex的过量表明,初始25Mg / 24Mg比必须几乎是太阳下的四倍。如果25Mg和26Mg同位素对铝的丰度做出相同的贡献,则这两个比率必须大约是太阳下的两倍。 (2)由于25Mg和26Mg的破坏,通过非常深的混合产生的具有大量铝增强的集束巨人(-1.0 dex)应该显示较小但可观察到的Mg耗尽(-0.2 dex)。 (3)大量的铝增强很可能伴随着整个恒星包壳的大量氢消耗和氦增强。从外壳向氢气燃烧壳中添加氢气可能会对巨分支演化产生明显影响。富含氦气的包层必将对恒星后来在水平分支上的位置产生重要影响。



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