首页> 外文期刊>Psychopharmacology >Mechanisms underlying cognitive enhancement and reversal of cognitive deficits in nonhuman primates by the ampakine CX717.

Mechanisms underlying cognitive enhancement and reversal of cognitive deficits in nonhuman primates by the ampakine CX717.


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RATIONALE: Performance of cognitive tasks in nonhuman primates (NHPs) requires specific brain regions to make decisions under different degrees of difficulty or cognitive load. imaging) in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), medial temporal lobe (MTL), and dorsal striatum (DStr) is examined in NHPs performing a delayed-match-to-sample (DMS) task with variable degrees of cognitive load. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Correlations between cognitive load and degree of brain metabolic activity were obtained with respect to the influence of the ampakine CX717 (Cortex Pharmaceuticals), using brain imaging and recordings of neuronal activity in NHPs and measures of intracellular calcium release in rat hippocampal slices. RESULTS: Activation of DLPFC, MTL, and DStr reflected changes in performance related to cognitive load within the DMS task and were engaged primarily on high load trials. Similar increased activation patterns and improved performance were also observed following administration of CX717. Sleep deprivation in NHPs produced impaired performance and reductions in brain activation which was reversed by CX717. One potential basis for this facilitation of cognition by CX717 was increased firing of task-specific hippocampal cells. Synaptic mechanisms affected by CX717 were examined in rat hippocampal slices which showed that N-methyl-D: -aspartic acid-mediated release of intracellular calcium was reduced in slices from sleep-deprived rats and reversed by application of CX717 to the bathing medium. CONCLUSIONS: The findings provide insight into how cognition is enhanced by CX717 in terms of brain, and underlying neural, processes that are activated on high vs. low cognitive load trials.
机译:理由:在非人类灵长类动物(NHP)中执行认知任务需要特定的大脑区域在不同的困难程度或认知负荷下做出决策。在NHP中检查背外侧前额叶皮层(DLPFC),内侧颞叶(MTL)和背侧纹状体(DStr)的图像),以执行具有可变程度的认知负荷的样本延迟匹配(DMS)任务。材料和方法:使用脑成像和NHPs神经元活性的记录以及大鼠海马切片中细胞内钙释放的测量,获得关于安帕金CX717(Cortex Pharmaceuticals)影响的认知负荷与脑代谢活动程度之间的相关性。 。结果:DLPFC,MTL和DStr的激活反映了DMS任务中与认知负荷相关的性能变化,并且主要用于高负荷试验。服用CX717后,还观察到类似的激活模式增加和性能改善。 NHP中的睡眠剥夺会导致性能下降和大脑激活降低,这被CX717逆转。 CX717促进这种认知的一个潜在基础是增加任务特异性海马细胞的放电。在大鼠海马切片中检查了受CX717影响的突触机制,结果显示,睡眠剥夺大鼠的切片中N-甲基-D:-天冬氨酸介导的细胞内钙释放减少,并且通过将CX717应用于沐浴介质可以逆转。结论:这些发现提供了关于在高负荷和低负荷试验中激活的大脑和基础神经过程如何通过CX717增强认知的见解。



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