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Pharmacological analysis of the heterogeneous discriminative stimulus effects of ethanol in rats using a three-choice ethanol-dizocilpine-water discrimination.


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The present study used a three-choice operant drug discrimination procedure to determine if NMDA-mediated discriminative stimulus effects could be separated from other stimulus effects of 2.0 g/kg ethanol. Adult male Long-Evans rats (n = 7) were trained to discriminate dizocilpine (0.17 mg/kg; i.g.) from ethanol (2.0 g/kg; i.g.) from water (4.7 ml; i.g.) using food reinforcement. Substitution tests were conducted following administration of the GABA(A) positive modulators allopregnanolone (5.6-30.0 mg/kg; i.p.), diazepam (0.3-10.0 mg/kg; i.p.) and pentobarbital (1.0-21.0 mg/kg; i.p.), the non-competitive NMDA antagonist phencyclidine (0.3-10.0 mg/kg; i.p.), the 5-HT1 agonists TFMPP (0.3-5.6 mg/kg; i.p.) and RU 24969 (0.3-3.0 mg/kg; i.p.), and isopropanol (0.10-1.25 g/kg; i.p.). Allopregnanolone, diazepam and pentobarbital substituted completely (>80%) for ethanol. Isopropanol partially (77%) substituted for ethanol. Phencyclidine substituted completely for dizocilpine. RU 24969 and TFMPP did not completely substitute for either training drug, although RU 24969 partially (62%) substituted for ethanol. Successful training of this three-choice discrimination indicates that the discriminative stimulus effects of 0.17 mg/kg dizocilpine were separable from those of 2.0 g/kg ethanol. The finding that attenuation of NMDA-mediated effects of ethanol occurred without altering significantly GABA(A)- and 5-HT1-mediated effects suggests that the NMDA component may be independent of other discriminative stimulus effects of 2.0 g/kg ethanol.
机译:本研究采用三选择操作药物鉴别程序,以确定是否可以将NMDA介导的歧视性刺激效果与2.0 g / kg乙醇的其他刺激效果区分开。训练成年雄性Long-Evans大鼠(n = 7),使用食物强化剂将二唑西平(0.17 mg / kg; i.g.)与乙醇(2.0 g / kg; i.g.)与水(4.7 ml; i.g.)区分。给予GABA(A)阳性调节剂allopregnanolone(5.6-30.0 mg / kg; ip),地西epa(0.3-10.0 mg / kg; ip)和戊巴比妥(1.0-21.0 mg / kg; ip),进行替代测试。非竞争性NMDA拮抗剂苯环利定(0.3-10.0 mg / kg; ip),5-HT1激动剂TFMPP(0.3-5.6 mg / kg; ip)和RU 24969(0.3-3.0 mg / kg; ip)和异丙醇(0.10-1.25 g / kg; ip)。异戊烷醇,地西epa和戊巴比妥完全(> 80%)替代了乙醇。异丙醇部分(77%)代替了乙醇。苯环利定完全取代了地佐西平。 RU 24969和TFMPP并未完全替代任何一种训练药,尽管RU 24969部分(62%)替代了乙醇。对这三种选择的成功训练表明,0.17 mg / kg地佐西平的歧视性刺激作用与2.0 g / kg乙醇的区别性刺激作用是可分离的。发现在不明显改变GABA(A)和5-HT1介导的作用的情况下发生了NMDA介导的乙醇作用的减弱,这一发现表明NMDA组分可能与2.0 g / kg乙醇的其他歧视性刺激作用无关。



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