首页> 外文期刊>Psychopharmacology >Inter-individual differences in novelty-seeking behavior in rats predict differential responses to desipramine in the forced swim test.

Inter-individual differences in novelty-seeking behavior in rats predict differential responses to desipramine in the forced swim test.


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RATIONALE: Antidepressant medications are effective only in a subpopulation of patients with depression, and some patients respond to certain drugs, but not others. The biological bases for these clinical observations remain unexplained. OBJECTIVE: To investigate individual differences in response to antidepressants, we have examined the effects of the norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor desipramine (DMI) and the selective serotonin reutake inhibitor fluoxetine (FLU) in the forced swim test (FST) in rats that differ in their emotional behavior. METHODS: As response to novelty correlates with numerous other measures of emotionality and substance abuse, we contrasted animals that are high responders (HR) in a novel environment with animals that are low responders (LR) and asked whether the two groups exhibit differential responses to DMI (10mg/kg) and FLU (20mg/kg). RESULTS: At the behavioral level, DMI caused a significant decrease in immobility in LR animals only, while FLU caused a significant reductionin immobility in both groups. Moreover, at the neural level, DMI treatment led to a decrease in FST-induced c-fos messenger RNA levels in medial prefrontal cortex (PFC) and paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN) in LR but not HR animals. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, our results suggest that the HR-LR model is a useful tool to investigate individual differences in responses to norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (NRIs) and that a differential activation of PFC and/or PVN could underlie some of the inter-individual differences in the efficacy of NRIs.
机译:理由:抗抑郁药仅对一部分抑郁症患者有效,有些患者对某些药物有反应,而对其他药物则无反应。这些临床观察的生物学基础仍然无法解释。目的:为了研究抗抑郁药反应的个体差异,我们研究了去甲肾上腺素再摄取抑制剂desipramine(DMI)和选择性5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂氟西汀(FLU)在强迫游泳试验(FST)中对情绪不同的大鼠的影响。行为。方法:由于对新颖性的反应与其他许多情绪和药物滥用的测量方法相关,因此,我们将在新环境中具有高反应性(HR)的动物与具有低响应性(LR)的动物进行了比较,并询问这两组动物是否对DMI(10mg / kg)和FLU(20mg / kg)。结果:在行为水平上,DMI仅导致LR动物的固定性显着降低,而FLU导致两组动物的固定性均显着降低。此外,在神经方面,DMI治疗导致LR动物而非HR动物的FST诱导的内侧前额叶皮层(PFC)和下丘脑室旁核(PVN)的c-fos信使RNA水平降低。结论:综上所述,我们的结果表明HR-LR模型是研究个体对去甲肾上腺素再摄取抑制剂(NRI)反应差异的有用工具,并且PFC和/或PVN的差异激活可能是部分个体间的基础NRI功效的差异。



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