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One measure does not a construct make: Directions toward reinvigorating psychopathy research--reply to Hare and Neumann (2010).


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In our article by J. L. Skeem & D. J. Cooke, (2010), we outlined the dangers inherent in conflating the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R; R. Hare, 1991) with psychopathy itself. In their response, R. Hare and C. Neumann (2010) seemed to agree with key points that the PCL-R should not be confused with psychopathy and that criminal behavior is not central to psychopathy; at the same time, they said we provided no clear directions for theory or research. In this rejoinder, we clarify our argument that progress in understanding the unobservable construct of psychopathy hinges upon setting aside procrustean dependence on a monofocal PCL-R lens to test (a) actual theories of psychopathy against articulated validation hierarchies and (b) the relation between psychopathy and crime. In specifying these conceptual and applied directions, we hope to promote constructive dialogue, further insights, and a new generation of research that better distinguishes between personality deviation and social deviance.
机译:在J. L. Skeem和D. J. Cooke的文章(2010年)中,我们概述了将《精神病学检查清单》修订本(PCL-R; R。Hare,1991年)与精神病学本身相混淆的固有危险。 R. Hare和C. Neumann(2010)在回应中似乎同意以下要点,即PCL-R不应与精神病相混淆,并且犯罪行为对精神病并不重要。同时,他们说我们没有为理论或研究提供明确的方向。在本次再讨论中,我们澄清了一个论点,即在理解无法观察到的精神病构造方面的进展取决于搁置对单焦点PCL-R晶状体的procrustean依赖,以测试(a)针对明确的验证层次结构的实际精神病理论,以及(b)精神病和犯罪。在指定这些概念性和应用性方向时,我们希望促进建设性对话,进一步的见识以及新一代的研究,以更好地区分人格偏差和社会偏差。



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