首页> 外文期刊>Psychological science: a journal of the American Psychological Society >In-Group Ostracism Increases High-Fidelity Imitation in Early Childhood

In-Group Ostracism Increases High-Fidelity Imitation in Early Childhood


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The Cyberball paradigm was used to examine the hypothesis that children use high-fidelity imitation as a reinclusion behavior in response to being ostracized by in-group members. Children (N = 176; 5- to 6-year-olds) were either included or excluded by in- or out-group members and then shown a video of an in-group or an out-group member enacting a social convention. Participants who were excluded by their in-group engaged in higher-fidelity imitation than those who were included by their in-group. Children who were included by an out-group and those who were excluded by an out-group showed no difference in imitative fidelity. Children ostracized by in-group members also displayed increased anxiety relative to children ostracized by out-group members. The data are consistent with the proposal that high-fidelity imitation functions as reinclusion behavior in the context of in-group ostracism.
机译:赛博球范式用于检验以下假设:儿童将高保真模仿作为对小组成员的排斥而做出的重新融入行为。小组成员或小组成员包括或排除了儿童(N = 176; 5至6岁),然后放映了制定社会惯例的小组成员或小组成员的视频。被小组排除在外的参与者比小组参加的参与者具有更高的逼真度。被外来组和被外来组排斥的儿童在模拟逼真度上没有差异。与小组成员被排斥的孩子相比,被小组成员排斥的孩子表现出更高的焦虑感。数据与高保真模仿在群体内排斥行为中作为重新融入行为的提议相一致。



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