首页> 外文期刊>Prosthetics and orthotics international >Gait improvement of hemiplegic patients using an ankle-foot orthosis with assistance of heel rocker function

Gait improvement of hemiplegic patients using an ankle-foot orthosis with assistance of heel rocker function


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The ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) with oil damper, GaitSolution (GS), was previously developed to make heel rocker function possible during the gait of hemiplegic patients. To clarify the characteristics of patients who show adaptation to GS use, a questionnaire was completed by the clinicians responsible for 99 patients with hemiplegia who participated in this study. Clinicians completed items concerning gait data of patients without AFO use and with GS use, adaptation to the use of GS, and patient opinion of GS use. Approximately 60 of patients achieved heel rocker function during the loading response of the paretic limb and improved gait when using GS. A comparison of the patients whose gaits were improved by GS more than by other AFOs revealed the use of GS was well suited to the gait of patients with a relatively higher Brunnstrom stage and a slightly flexed knee joint during the stance phase. Approximately 60 of patients reported feeling comfortable using GS, although patient comfort did not necessarily coincide with the results of gait assessment by clinicians. Patient comfort mainly depended on trunk posture and hip joint outward rotation; hip joint outward rotation could be improved using GS in the recovery phase but not in the maintenance phase. This result implies the importance of gait training in the early stage of rehabilitation.
机译:带有油阻尼器的踝足矫形器(AFO),即GaitSolution(GS),以前被开发用于在偏瘫患者的步态中使足跟摇摆器功能成为可能。为了阐明适应GS用途的患者的特征,由参与本研究的99名偏瘫患者的临床医生填写了一份调查表。临床医生完成了有关不使用AFO和使用GS的患者的步态数据,对GS的适应性以及患者对GS的看法的项目。使用GS时,大约60名患者在麻痹肢体的负荷反应期间达到了脚跟摇杆功能并改善了步态。 GS步态比其他AFO改善步态的患者的比较显示,GS的使用非常适合处于阶段Brunnstrom阶段且膝关节略微弯曲的患者的步态。大约60位患者报告使用GS感到舒适,尽管患者舒适度不一定与临床医生的步态评估结果一致。患者的舒适度主要取决于躯干姿势和髋关节向外旋转。在恢复阶段使用GS可以改善髋关节向外旋转,但在维持阶段则不能。这个结果暗示了在康复的早期进行步态训练的重要性。



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