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Turning a Run of Bad Luck into an Environmental ASSET


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When most people think of Washington, DC, they think of monuments, stone buildings, and cherry blossoms, not of a degraded little stream just two miles away from the Capitol dome. But there in the middle of the US National Arboretum is Hickey Run, theposter child for every polluted urban stream. Early in the history of our country, when Washington was a small town and the entire watershed was woodland and tobacco farms, Hickey Run was just another tributary of the Anacostia River. As the watershed became more urbanized around the beginning of the last century, problems began to mount. Sewers at that time were built to carry sewage to the nearest stream, and Hickey Run became a major recipient of untreated wastewater. In 1910, the East Side Interceptor (ESI), a sewer line four feet in diameter, was built along Hickey Run to intercept the sewage from these lines and take it to a new sewage treatment facility. The ESI was constructed to cross the lower reaches of Hickey Run in a bridging structure. In 2008, the ESI failed near this crossing and dumped its burden of sewage into Hickey Run over a period of several days. Efforts to repair it are still underway, but the flow of sewage into the stream from the point of its collapse has been stopped. TheDistrict of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority is now set to completely rehabilitate the century-old sewer.
机译:当大多数人想到华盛顿特区时,他们想到的是纪念碑,石头建筑和樱花,而不是距离国会大厦圆顶只有两英里的退化小溪。但是在美国国家植物园的中间是Hickey Run,这是每条被污染的城市溪流的海报孩子。在我们国家历史的早期,当华盛顿是一个小镇,整个分水岭是林地和烟草农场时,Hickey Run只是Anacostia河的另一个支流。随着分水岭在上个世纪初变得更加城市化,问题开始增多。当时建造了下水道,以将污水输送到最近的溪流,而Hickey Run成为未处理废水的主要接收者。 1910年,沿着Hickey Run修建了一条直径为4英尺的下水道管道East Side Interceptor(ESI),以拦截来自这些管道的污水并将其带到新的污水处理设施。 ESI的设计采用桥接结构,可跨越Hickey Run的下游。 2008年,ESI在该过境点附近发生故障,并在几天之内将其污水负担倾泻至Hickey Run。修复它的工作仍在进行中,但是从其坍塌的时刻开始,污水一直流进河中。哥伦比亚供水和下水道管理局现在将完全恢复百年历史的下水道。



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