首页> 外文期刊>Progress in community health partnerships: research, education, and action >Ecocity mapping using GIS: introducing a planning method for assessing and improving neighborhood vitality.

Ecocity mapping using GIS: introducing a planning method for assessing and improving neighborhood vitality.


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Assessing neighborhood vitality is important to understanding how to improve quality of life and health outcomes. The ecocity model recognizes that cities are part of natural systems and favors walkable neighborhoods. This article introduces ecocity mapping, an innovative planning method, to the public health literature on community engagement by describing a pilot project with a new affordable housing development in Oakland, California between 2007 and 2009. Although ecocity mapping began as a paper technology, advances in geographic information systems (GIS) moved it forward.This article describes how Ecocity Builders used GIS to conduct ecocity mapping to (1) assess vitality of neighborhoods and urban centers to prioritize community health intervention pilot sites and (2) create scenario maps for use in community health planning.From fall 2007 to summer 2008, Ecocity Builders assessed neighborhood vitality using walking distance from parks, schools, rapid transit stops, grocery stores, and retail outlets. In 2008, ecocity maps were shared with residents to create a neighborhood health and sustainability plan. In 2009, Ecocity Builders developed scenario maps to show how changes to the built environment would improve air quality by reducing greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles, while increasing access to basic services and natural amenities.Community organizing with GIS was more useful than GIS alone for final site selection. GIS was useful in mapping scenarios after residents shared local neighborhood knowledge and ideas for change. Residents were interested in long-term environmental planning, provided they could meet immediate needs.
机译:评估社区活力对于了解如何改善生活质量和健康结果非常重要。生态城市模型认识到城市是自然系统的一部分,并且偏爱步行街区。本文通过描述2007年至2009年间在加利福尼亚州奥克兰市进行的一项新的经济适用住房开发的试点项目,向社区参与的公共卫生文献介绍了一种创新的规划方法“生态城市制图”。地理信息系统(GIS)使其向前发展。本文介绍了Ecocity Builders如何使用GIS进行生态城市制图,以(1)评估社区和城市中心的生命力以优先考虑社区健康干预试点,以及(2)创建方案图以用于社区卫生规划。从2007年秋季到2008年夏季,生态城建设者使用距公园,学校,快速公交站点,杂货店和零售店的步行距离来评估社区的活力。 2008年,与居民共享了生态城市地图,以制定社区健康和可持续性计划。 2009年,Ecocity Builders开发了方案图,以显示建筑环境的变化将如何通过减少车辆产生的温室气体排放,同时增加获得基本服务和自然便利设施的方式来改善空气质量。选址。居民共享本地社区知识和变更想法后,GIS在绘制场景时很有用。居民对长期环境规划感兴趣,只要他们能够满足眼前的需求。



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