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Influence of composition and storage conditions on chocolate hardness and heat resistance.


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The EU Chocolate Directive 2000/36/EC allows the use of the vegetable fats CBEs and CBIs up to a maximum of 5% in chocolate. Manufacturers and users must know how this has an influence on the properties of chocolate. The objective of the work reported here was to find out by systematic investigations, which effect CBEs/CBIs have on the quality parameters, hardness and heat resistance of chocolate. The influence on the hardness was tested also under extreme practical storage conditions. The quality monitoring was performed up to one year. For the determination of the heat resistance the penetrometric method was used in the temperature range 25-32 degrees C measuring the maximum loading force, occurring during the penetration of a cylindrical probe of 2 mm diameter with 4 mm penetration. The correlation between the average maximum loading force, relevant to the hardness of chocolate, and the temperature can be described by a linear regression at 95% confidence level. Statistical analyses (correlation analysis, residual analysis, Durban-Watson statistic) showed that it is possible to define the heat resistance of solid chocolate in the temperature range of 25-32 degrees C by the slope and the ordinate intercept of the regression line of the loading force vs. temperature for given parameters (composition, storage, experimental layout, etc.). For the determination of the hardness of the chocolate also the penetrometric method was used to measure the maximum loading force occurring during the penetration of a needle probe with 2 mm deformation. The hardness of the chocolate samples determined with the penetrometric method and statistical analysis (One-Way, Two-Way Analysis of Variance, Dunnett's comparisons) is significantly dependent on the composition and storage conditions, where the storage conditions are the dominant factor. The results show that the differences in hardness between the chocolate samples with CBE/CBI and those without CBE/CBI, both stored in the cellar (cold storage), are marginal. After one week of storage the sample with CBI has nearly the same hardness as the standard sample with CB, whereas the sample with CBE was slightly softer. The differences are slightly clearer for the northern storage room (moderate temperature) and for the southern room (warm temperature). After a definite storage time the hardness of all samples increased and was in the case of the southern storage room (warm temperature) up to twice as high. The quality monitoring up to one year showed that the reason for this increase in hardness is not a special storage time but the increasing temperatures with the beginning of the warm season and the cyclic change of the temperature during day and night. So an explanation for this unexpected increase in hardness can be a thermocyclic hardening of the chocolate samples under these storage conditions.
机译:欧盟巧克力指令2000/36 / EC允许使用植物脂肪中的CBE和CBI,最高含量为巧克力的5%。制造商和用户必须知道这如何影响巧克力的性能。本文报道的工作目的是通过系统研究发现CBE / CBI对巧克力的质量参数,硬度和耐热性有何影响。在极端实际的存储条件下也测试了对硬度的影响。进行了长达一年的质量监控。为了确定耐热性,在25-32℃的温度范围内使用渗透法测量最大加载力,该最大加载力发生在直径为2mm的圆柱形探针穿透4mm的穿透期间。与巧克力硬度有关的平均最大加载力与温度之间的关系可以通过置信度为95%的线性回归来描述。统计分析(相关分析,残差分析,Durban-Watson统计)表明,可以通过25°C至32°C温度范围内的斜率和纵坐标截距来定义固体巧克力的耐热性。给定参数(组成,存储,实验布局等)的加载力与温度的关系。为了确定巧克力的硬度,还使用渗透法来测量在2 mm变形的针形探针穿透过程中出现的最大加载力。通过渗透法和统计分析(方差的单向,双向分析,Dunnett的比较)确定的巧克力样品的硬度在很大程度上取决于组成和存储条件,其中存储条件是主要因素。结果表明,都存储在地窖中(冷库)的含CBE / CBI巧克力样品和不含CBE / CBI巧克力样品之间的硬度差异很小。储存一周后,含CBI的样​​品的硬度几乎与含CB的标准样品相同,而含CBE的样品则稍软。对于北部储藏室(中等温度)和对于南部储藏室(温暖温度),差异稍明显。在确定的存储时间后,所有样品的硬度均增加,在南部存储室(温暖的温度)下,硬度提高到两倍。长达一年的质量监控表明,硬度增加的原因不是特殊的存储时间,而是随着温暖季节的开始温度升高以及昼夜温度的周期性变化。因此,这种意外硬度增加的解释可能是在这些存储条件下巧克力样品的热循环硬化。



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