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Nitrate status of underground water in Punjab


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Underground water having high concentration of nitrate can not be used as a source of nitrogen fertilizer. Such water is neither fit for irrigation nor for drinking purposes. Nitrates are invariably present in the underground water of Punjab. When irrigation water contains soluble nitrates, the effect of excess of N on most plants is quite discernible. High levels of nitrate may cause Iron (Fe) deficiency possibly due to reduced Fe activity in plant tissue by excess of organic anions. Forage crops and leafy vegetables when grown with water containing nitrate, accumulate high levels of nitrates and organic acids such as malate and oxalate to lower their food quality and may prove toxic to animals and human beings. The Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) has set the maximum contaminant level (MCL) of nitrate as nitrogen at 10 mg / L (or 10 parts per million) for the safety of drinking water. Nitrate at or above this level have been known to cause a potentially fatal blood disorder in infants undersix months of age called methemoglobinemia or "blue-baby" syndrome; in which there is a reduction in the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood.
机译:硝酸盐浓度高的地下水不能用作氮肥的来源。这种水既不适合灌溉,也不适合饮用。旁遮普邦的地下水中总是存在硝酸盐。当灌溉水中含有可溶性硝酸盐时,氮对大多数植物的影响是很明显的。高水平的硝酸盐可能导致铁(Fe)缺乏,这可能是由于过量的有机阴离子导致植物组织中的铁活性降低所致。饲草作物和叶类蔬菜与含有硝酸盐的水一起生长时,会积累大量的硝酸盐和有机酸,例如苹果酸和草酸,降低其食品质量,并可能对动物和人类有毒。为了保护饮用水的安全,环境保护署(EPA)将硝酸盐的最高污染水平(MCL)设定为10 mg / L(或百万分之10)作为氮。已知硝酸盐浓度等于或高于该水平会在六个月以下的婴儿中引起致命的血液病,称为高铁血红蛋白血症或“蓝婴儿”综合征。其中血液的携氧能力降低。



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