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Strategic pest management in rapeseed-mustard


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Rapeseed-mustard is an important rabi season oilseed which constitutes about 44 % of the total vegetable oil production of the country after soybean and palm oil. There are number of constraints like biotic and abiotic stresses, on-farm and off-farm technological and non-technological problems, in the successful cultivation of rapeseed-mustard. Among the biotic stresses, the damage caused by insect-pests, is one of the major impediments. Mustard aphid alone is known to cause 23 to 96 % reduction in yield, if not managed timely. A number of other insect-pests also caused damage atone or the other stage of the crop. For an efficient and effective management of these pests, farmers need to be vigilant right from sowing till harvest of the crop. Insecticides should only be used only when needed. A thorough understanding of biology, behaviour, time of appearance and nature ~~| of damage of the pest on the crop is important.
机译:油菜籽-芥末油是一种重要的狂犬病季节油料籽,仅次于大豆和棕榈油,占该国植物油总产量的44%。成功种植油菜籽芥末有许多限制因素,例如生物和非生物胁迫,农场内和农场外的技术和非技术问题。在生物胁迫中,虫害引起的破坏是主要障碍之一。如果不及时管理,仅芥末蚜虫会使产量降低23%至96%。其他许多害虫也造成了作物的赎罪或其他阶段的损害。为了有效,有效地控制这些害虫,农民从播种到收获都需要保持警惕。仅在需要时才使用杀虫剂。全面了解生物学,行为,出现时间和自然状况~~ |害虫对农作物的危害很重要。



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