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Agronomic techniques for boosting sunflower production


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Inspite of its high yield potential and wider adaptability of sunflower under different agroclimatic conditions, there is a wide gap between the realised and potential yields. The farmers can achieve further higher seed yield by growing newly released sunflower hybrids with suitable agronomic techniques. Edible oils constitute one of the major elements of human diet. The annual requirement of edible oils in the country is 10.2 million tonnes against the production of 5.37 million tonnes. Thus to bridge this gap either we have to import or increase the production of edible oils. Owing to the wide gap between the production and the requirement of edible oils, there is need to look out for a suitable oilseed crops. Sunflower is a wonderful non-traditional oilseed crop offered just that opportunity. Sunflower being a photo and thermo-insensitive crop, can be grown all the year round under diverse soil and climatic conditions but in northern plains, it has made its place in the cropping pattern duringspring season owing to better returns and congenial season for its cultivation. Its seed contains 40-43 per cent oil which is good for human consumption with pleasant flavour and excellent keeping quality with high degree of polyunsaturated fatty acids(PUFA).



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