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Template-based modeling and free modeling by I-TASSER in CASP7.


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We developed and tested the I-TASSER protein structure prediction algorithm in the CASP7 experiment, where targets are first threaded through the PDB library and continuous fragments in the threading alignments are exploited to assemble the global structure. The final models are obtained from the progressive refinements started from the last round structure clusters. A majority of the targets in the template-based modeling (TBM) category have the templates drawn closer to the native structure by more than 1 A within the aligned regions. For the free-modeling (FM) targets, I-TASSER builds correct topology for 7/19 cases with sequence up to 155 residues long. For the first time, the automated server prediction generates models as good as the human-expert does in all the categories, which shows the robustness of the method and the potential of the application to genome-wide structure prediction. Despite the success, the accuracy of I-TASSER modeling is still dominated by the similarity of the template andtarget structures with a strong correlation coefficient ( approximately 0.9) between the root-mean-squared deviation (RMSD) to native of the templates and the final models. Especially, there is no high-resolution model below 2 A for the FM targets. These problems highlight the issues that need to be addressed in the next generation of atomic-level I-TASSER development especially for the FM target modeling.
机译:我们在CASP7实验中开发并测试了I-TASSER蛋白质结构预测算法,该算法首先将目标穿过PDB文库,然后利用序列比对中的连续片段组装整体结构。最终模型是从最后一轮结构簇开始的逐步完善中获得的。在基于模板的建模(TBM)类别中,大多数目标的模板在对齐区域内的绘制距离本地结构都超过了1A。对于自由建模(FM)目标,I-TASSER为7/19情况构建正确的拓扑,其序列长达155个残基。自动化服务器预测首次生成了与人类专家在所有类别中一样出色的模型,这表明了该方法的鲁棒性以及在全基因组结构预测中的应用潜力。尽管取得了成功,但I-TASSER建模的准确性仍受模板和目标结构的相似性支配,模板与目标本机的均方根偏差(RMSD)与最终模型之间的相关系数很强(约0.9)。楷模。特别是,对于FM目标,没有低于2 A的高分辨率模型。这些问题凸显了下一代原子级I-TASSER开发中需要解决的问题,尤其是对于FM目标建模。



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