首页> 外文期刊>Progress in Plant Protection >The influence of production technology on yielding of spring wheat cultivars

The influence of production technology on yielding of spring wheat cultivars


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The field experiments were conducted at the Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation - State Research Institute Experimental Station in Osiny in years 2008-2010. The aim of the study was to compare spring wheat yielding depending on integratedand intensive technology. The used production technologies differed as regards the nitrogen fertilization level, chemical protection against weeds, diseases, pests and a way of straw utilization. The following cultivars were selected for the research: Bombona, Nawra, and Raweta. The weather conditions differentiated the yield of spring wheat in individual years. The wheat yield was significantly higher in 2008 as compared to 2009 and 2010, by 34.1 and 30.5%, respectively. The highest effectiveness of intensive technology, expressed as grain yield increase, in relation to the integrated technology was stated in 2009, on average by 15.6%. No influence of production technology on spring wheat yielding was stated in the others years of research. Regardlessof the applied production technology the yield increase was dependent on the number of ears per unit area and thousand grain weight.
机译:在2008年至2010年间,在土壤科学和植物栽培研究所-奥西尼州立研究所实验站进行了田间试验。该研究的目的是根据综合和集约化技术比较春小麦单产。所使用的生产技术在氮肥水平,对杂草,病虫害的化学保护以及秸秆利用方式方面有所不同。选择了以下品种进行研究:Bombona,Nawra和Raweta。天气条件使不同年份的春小麦产量有所不同。与2009年和2010年相比,2008年的小麦产量分别高出34.1%和30.5%。 2009年,强化技术的最高效率(以谷物单产提高)相对于综合技术达到了平均水平(15.6%)。在其他年份的研究中,没有提到生产技术对春小麦单产的影响。无论采用何种生产技术,产量的增加都取决于单位面积的穗数和千粒重。



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