首页> 外文期刊>Progress in Plant Protection >Occurrence of marmelade fly Episyrphus balteatus (Deg.) (Diptera, Syrphidae) in apple orchards with integrated production of fruit and their surroundings.

Occurrence of marmelade fly Episyrphus balteatus (Deg.) (Diptera, Syrphidae) in apple orchards with integrated production of fruit and their surroundings.

机译:苹果园中发生橘子果蝇(ipisyrphus balteatus)(Deg。)( Diptera , Syrphidae )的结果是水果和周围环境的综合生产。

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The study was carried out in two orchards with integrated fruit production situated near Poznan. The first one was the orchard of Experimental Farm and Orchard at Przybroda and the other one was the orchard of Agricultural Corporation in Gorzyczki. Two areas were chosen for the study in each location: the orchard and surrounding shrubs. In Przybroda the experiment was carried out using 4 years (1999-2001 and 2004), in Gorzyczki in 2 years (2000-2001). The research was carried out by the method of yellow Moericke traps. During the study 2 728 specimens of the Episyrphus balteatus (Deg.) were caught.
机译:该研究在波兹南附近的两个果园综合果园中进行。第一个是Przybroda的试验农场和果园的果园,另一个是Gorzyczki的农业公司的果园。在每个位置选择了两个区域进行研究:果园和周围的灌木。在Przybroda,实验使用了4年(1999-2001和2004),在Gorzyczki中使用了2年(2000-2001)。该研究是通过黄色Moericke诱集装置进行的。在研究过程中,共捕获了2 728个波罗的海表皮(Episyrphus balteatus)(Deg。)标本。



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