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Leica Geosystems: Digital Imaging Makes Colorado Flood Imagery More Valuable


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Torrential rains began falling on Colorado the week of Sept. 9, 2013, and by the weekend, deadly flood waters had inundated thousands of square miles along the Rocky Mountain Front Range from Denver up to Fort Collins and spreading into the northeast part of the state. Boulder County alone received a year's worth of rain in five days. Statewide, three major rivers - the South Platte, St. Vrain and Big Thompson - are believed to have exceeded their 100-year flood levels, while others hit the 50-year mark. As the magnitude of the disaster became more apparent - and the rain continued to fall - four organizations in attendance called a hasty meeting with Ayres Associates, an engineering and geospatial consulting firm based in Wisconsin, with an office in Fort Collins. The firm had provided extensive aerial mapping services in the previous 12 months to several cities and counties that had formed a consortium for floodplain management activities in the Colorado Front Range.
机译:2013年9月9日那周,科罗拉多州开始出现暴雨,到了周末,致命的洪水已经淹没了从丹佛到柯林斯堡的落基山前山脉数千平方英里,并扩散到该州的东北部。仅博尔德县在五天内就降雨了一年。在全州范围内,据信三个主要河流-南普拉特河,圣沃兰河和大汤普森河-已经超过了100年的洪水位,而其他河流达到了50年的水平。随着灾难的严重性越来越明显-降雨持续下降-四个与会的组织要求与Ayres Associates(位于威斯康星州的工程和地理空间咨询公司)以及在柯林斯堡的办公室进行紧急会议。在过去的12个月中,该公司已向数个城市和县提供了广泛的航空制图服务,这些城市和县已经组成了一个财团,负责科罗拉多州前线山脉的漫滩管理活动。



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