首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the Zoological Society >Polysaccharides as Constituents in Chromosome Organization: A Study on Meiotic Chromosomes of Grasshopper and Polytene Chromosomes of Dipterous Flies

Polysaccharides as Constituents in Chromosome Organization: A Study on Meiotic Chromosomes of Grasshopper and Polytene Chromosomes of Dipterous Flies


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Study on meiotic chromosomes of grasshopper, Gesonula punctifrons and interphase polytene chromosomes from Dipteran larvae as of Chironomus striatipennis and Drosophila melanogaster following staining by periodic acid-Schiff technique revealed that chromosomes contained polysaccharides as an integral part of their organization. PAS ?ve nature of the chromosomes both at highly condensed state as available during meiotic cell division and at extended state as in polytene chromosomes supports the idea that chromosomes contain polysaccharides as one of the constituent biological macromolecules. PAS ?ve chromosomes appeared to be fluorescent under fluorescence microscope and fluorescence was found to be more or less uniform along the whole length of the meiotic chromosomes, while in case of polytene chromosomes intense fluorescence could be noticed along the band regions of the chromosomes.
机译:用高碘酸-席夫(Schiff)-希夫(Schiff)技术染色后,研究了Chi(Chironomus striatipennis)和黑腹果蝇(Drosophila melanogaster)的ip,Ge(Donteran)幼虫,蚱son(Gesonula punctifrons)和相间多态染色体的减数分裂染色体,结果表明,染色体中含有多糖是其组成部分。在减数分裂细胞分裂期间可用的高浓缩状态和在多态染色体中处于扩展状态时,PAS的五个染色体性质都支持这样的观点,即染色体含有多糖作为组成性生物大分子之一。在荧光显微镜下,PAS的5条染色体看起来是荧光的,并且在整个减数分裂染色体的整个长度上荧光基本一致,而在多烯染色体的情况下,沿着染色体的条带区域可以看到强烈的荧光。



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