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An 18-year-old African American male without significant past medical history presents with a one-year history of non-bloody loose stools and 35 lb weight loss. The patient noted worsening of his diarrhea including symptoms of nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite prompting him to come to the Emergency Department for evaluation. His physical exam is significant for a thin male without cachexia and a soft, non-distended abdomen with hepatomegaly. His rectal exam is positive for occult blood and a healed perianal scar. His initial laboratory workup reveals a microcytic anemia (Hgb = 7.2, MCV = 79), BUN of 67 and Creatinine of 3.2. The remainder of his initial blood work was notable for AST = 62, ALT = 22, Amylase = 97,AP = 312 and an Albumin of 1.7. His initial stool studies showed WBC-negative, Clostridium difficile-negative and O&P negative but abundant Candida were seen on culture. In light of patient's sexual history, remarkable for multiple sexual partners, HIV testing was performed. Rapid HIV was positive and subsequently confirmed by Western Blot. His CD4 count was 29 and quantitative HIV was greater then 750,000 copies. Upper endoscopy (Figure 1) and colonoscopy (Figure 2) were performed to evaluate etiology of symptoms and anemia.
机译:一名没有明显病史的18岁非洲裔美国男性表现出一年无血便便史和体重减轻35磅。病人注意到腹泻恶化,包括恶心,呕吐和食欲不振的症状,促使他到急诊科进行评估。他的体格检查对于没有恶病质的瘦弱男性和腹部肿大的柔软,未扩张的腹部非常重要。他的直肠检查对隐血和愈合的肛周疤痕呈阳性。他的最初实验室检查显示有小细胞性贫血(Hgb = 7.2,MCV = 79),BUN为67,肌酐为3.2。他最初的血液检查的其余部分值得注意,AST = 62,ALT = 22,淀粉酶= 97,AP = 312,白蛋白为1.7。他最初的粪便研究表明,在培养物中发现了WBC阴性,艰难梭菌阴性和O&P阴性,但念珠菌丰富。鉴于患者的性病史(对于多个性伴侣而言很明显),进行了HIV检测。快速HIV呈阳性,随后被Western Blot证实。他的CD4计数为29,而定量HIV则大于750,000份。进行了上内镜检查(图1)和结肠镜检查(图2)以评估症状和贫血的病因。




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