首页> 外文期刊>Preventive Medicine: An International Journal Devoted to Practice and Theory >Comparison of cyclists' and motorists' utilitarian physical activity at an urban university.

Comparison of cyclists' and motorists' utilitarian physical activity at an urban university.


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OBJECTIVE: Preliminary comparison of cyclists and motorists on: (1) distance lived from campus and, (2) the impact of transportation mode on physical activity. METHODS: A purposive sample of students (n=50; cyclists=26, motorists=24) living <5 miles from Arizona State University campus wore an accelerometer and completed a travel log for two on-campus days during fall 2005-spring 2006. Residence distance to campus was calculated by geocoded addresses (n=45; cyclists=23 vs. motorists=22). Final outcome variables were: distance lived from campus, accelerometer time moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, steps/day, total time moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (logged minutes cycling+accelerometer-derived moderate-to-vigorous physical activity), and minutes total active commuting (logged walking+cycling). RESULTS: Groups were significantly different for: distance lived from campus (cyclists=0.6+/-0.6 vs. motorists=2.0+/-1.1 miles; p<0.000); steps/day (cyclists=11,051+/-4295 vs. motorists=9174+/-3319;p=0.046); total time moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (cyclists=85.7+/-37.0 vs. motorists=50.3+/-23.8 minutes; p<0.001); minutes in motorized transport (cyclists=24.9+/-27.5 vs. motorists=61.6+/-32.9; p<0.001); and total active transport (cyclists=59.4+/-32.4 vs. motorists=29.5+/-20.0; p<0.001). CONCLUSION: Among students living within 5 miles of campus, cyclists lived relatively closer to campus, accumulated more minutes of physical activity, and spent more time in active transportation than students who used motorized means.
机译:目的:在以下方面进行初步比较:(1)距校园的居住距离,以及(2)交通方式对体育锻炼的影响。方法:有目的的学生样本(n = 50;骑自行车的人= 26,驾车的人= 24)居住在距亚利桑那州立大学校园不到5英里的地方,佩戴了加速度计,并在2005年秋季至2006年春季完成了为期两天的旅行日志。到校园的居住距离是通过地理编码的地址计算出来的(n = 45;骑车人= 23;驾车者= 22)。最终结果变量包括:距校园的居住距离,加速计时间中度至剧烈的身体活动,步数/天,总时间中度至剧烈的身体活动(记录的骑自行车分钟数,加速度计得出的中度至剧烈的身体活动),和分钟的总有效通勤时间(记录的步行+骑自行车)。结果:各组在以下方面存在显着差异:距校园的居住距离(骑车者= 0.6 +/- 0.6英里,驾车者= 2.0 +/- 1.1英里; p <0.000);步数/天(骑车者= 11,051 +/- 4295与驾车者= 9174 +/- 3319; p = 0.046);中度到剧烈的体育锻炼总时间(骑车人= 85.7 +/- 37.0,而驾车者= 50.3 +/- 23.8分钟; p <0.001);电动交通工具上的分钟数(骑车者= 24.9 +/- 27.5,而驾车者= 61.6 +/- 32.9; p <0.001);和总的主动运输(骑车者= 59.4 +/- 32.4,而驾车者= 29.5 +/- 20.0; p <0.001)。结论:在居住在校园5英里范围内的学生中,骑自行车的人居住在离校园较近的地方,积累了更多的体力活动时间,并且比使用机动工具的学生花更多的时间从事主动交通。



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