首页> 外文期刊>Preventive Medicine: An International Journal Devoted to Practice and Theory >Exclusion of elderly persons from health-risk behavior clinical trials.

Exclusion of elderly persons from health-risk behavior clinical trials.


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BACKGROUND: It has been found that the elderly population is underrepresented in clinical trials aimed at disease treatment. It is unknown to what extent this group is also excluded from clinical trials aimed at reducing health-risk behaviors. METHOD: We systematically reviewed clinical trials targeting the leading health-risk behaviors, as identified by Healthy People 2010: tobacco use, overweight/obesity, physical inactivity, substance abuse, and irresponsible sexual behavior. Using MEDLINE, we identified clinical trials published in the five most cited medical journals between January 1990 and May 2004. RESULTS: The majority (53%) of the 198 health-risk behavior clinical trials excluded persons over the age of 65; the exclusion percentage increased to 72% for those over the age of 75. The exclusion of elderly persons in these five medical journals did not decline over the 14 years studied. This age exclusion pattern was not explained by the intervention's intrusiveness or whether illness was an exclusion criterion. The trials that included those over the age of 65 were more likely to report a significant finding in the predicted direction. CONCLUSIONS: Although elderly persons are most at risk for diseases linked to lifestyle behavior, such as heart disease, they were excluded from the majority of health-risk behavior clinical trials in five major medical journals.
机译:背景:已经发现,在针对疾病治疗的临床试验中,老年人口的代表性不足。目前尚不清楚该小组在何种程度上也被排除在旨在减少健康风险行为的临床试验之外。方法:我们系统地审查了针对主要健康风险行为的临床试验,如《健康人》 2010年所确定的:吸烟,超重/肥胖,缺乏运动,滥用药物和不负责任的性行为。使用MEDLINE,我们确定了1990年1月至2004年5月之间在五种被引用最多的医学杂志上发表的临床试验。结果:198项健康风险行为临床试验中的大多数(53%)排除了65岁以上的人群; 75岁以上的人被排除在外的比例上升到72%。在这14篇研究的14年中,这五种医学期刊中老年人的被排除率并没有下降。干预措施的介入性或疾病是否是排除标准,都不能解释这种年龄排除模式。包括65岁以上的人群在内的试验更有可能报告出预期方向的重大发现。结论:尽管老年人最易患与生活方式行为有关的疾病,例如心脏病,但在五种主要医学期刊中,大多数健康风险行为临床试验中均未将其排除。



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