首页> 外文期刊>Preventive Medicine: An International Journal Devoted to Practice and Theory >Determinants of adolescent bicycle use for transportation and snacking behavior.

Determinants of adolescent bicycle use for transportation and snacking behavior.


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BACKGROUND: The prevalence of obesity has reached epidemic proportions in many countries and is largely due to behavioral factors that disrupt the energy balance. The purpose of the study was to test how well our conceptual model, combining features from the Theory of Planned Behavior and the Theory of Triadic Influence, explained two behaviors related to the energy balance, namely bicycle use for transportation and snacking behavior in a Dutch adolescent sample. METHODS: Data was gathered in an 1997 cross-sectional sample of adolescents (n = 3,859; mean age 14.8 years SD = 1.6) on snacking behavior, bicycle use, demographics, and potential environmental, cognitive and psychological determinants. Data was analyzed using bivariate correlations, multiple linear and binary logistic regression analyses. RESULTS: Less snacking behavior was associated with female gender and a more positive intention, a more positive attitude, and stronger perceived behavioral control towards restricting snacking. Students who used their bicycle for transportation were more likely to attend secondary education, to be native Dutch, to go to school in a less-urbanized city, to be younger, had a more positive intention and perceived stronger behavioral control and subjective norm towards bicycle use. CONCLUSIONS: The inclusion of environmental factors increased our understanding of bicycle use for transportation and snacking behavior in adolescents. The environmental factors are suggested to be taken into account in interventions aimed at changing these behaviors in more healthy directions.
机译:背景:肥胖症的流行在许多国家已经达到流行病的程度,这在很大程度上是由于行为因素破坏了能量平衡。这项研究的目的是测试我们的概念模型,结合计划行为理论和三重影响理论的特点,解释了与能量平衡有关的两种行为,即自行车运输和荷兰青少年的零食行为样品。方法:数据收集于1997年的青少年横断面样本中(n = 3,859;平均年龄14.8岁SD = 1.6),涉及零食行为,自行车使用,人口统计学以及潜在的环境,认知和心理决定因素。使用双变量相关性,多元线性和二进制逻辑回归分析对数据进行了分析。结果:零食行为与女性性别相关,拥有更积极的意图,更积极的态度以及对限制零食的较强感知行为控制。使用自行车出行的学生更有可能接受中学教育,以荷兰语为母语,在城市化程度较低的城市上学,更年轻,有更积极的意愿并被认为对自行车的行为控制和主观规范更强用。结论:环境因素的加入增加了我们对自行车在青少年运输和零食行为中的理解。建议在旨在朝着更健康的方向改变这些行为的干预措施中考虑环境因素。



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